Chapter 4

The night was dark and the moon was out. The city was bright with light.Genesis walked into the hospital drinking a can soda. That fight earlier is over and now he's completely bored again. After arriving at his room door he opened it and the inside was dark because the lights was turned off so he turned it back on.


Shout the group of people that was in genesis room. Genesis room was decorated with banners and other decors normally used in birthday celebrations. Genesis remain unsuprised as he looked at everyone in his room.

" Happy Full Recovery "

April said as she stood in front of Genesis and looked at him with a adorable smile. However, genesis remain silent and he looked at her trying to figure out what's going on.

" Well, Genesis don't you have anything to say right now ? "

Chelsea ask as she hold her arm looking at Genesis and await for him to give his response. He stood there looking at them as they looked back at him and his response to them was.....

" What's the hell is all this? "

He said with an angered tone of voice

" It's your last day of check up silly, don't you remember, We throw you a party "

April smile at Genesis. However, instead of feeling happy, he felt irritated.

" Tch, I don't do party "

Genesis turned and walked away leaving everyone disappointed. All the years he's been alive he hasn't had a party and so this is unexpected to him. He would normally spend his time in the mansion the government once gave him or in the labs. As he walked down the hall he was stopped by Dr Chelsea.

" Genesis wait...Are you going to leave like this? "

" Huh? "

" You know what I meant Genesis, You left without saying anything, do you know how long April has been waiting for this day? "

" And why should I care about that "

" You should be "

Chelsea scold Genesis and he looked at her silently.

" April really cares about you, she's willing to be by yourside even when the world turned against you but you seem to draw the line when it comes to caring about her.. Is it because your afraid that once you start to care about her there won't be any going back "

Chelsea looked at Genesis and realized something.

" Or are you worried about what she is? "

April is an abbreviation for ( Anonymous Pro-Replicate Intelligent Lifeform ). April is a clone created by Doctor Raphaela. Raphaela Xavier is a famous scientist who focus on technology development and robotics engineering. She possessed the ability Technology Manipulation which allow to create and manipulate any technological machine or gadgets. Shes extremely gifted with intelligence far above the norm and her technology was used to advance human lives but for some reason she never create weapons of war.

When Genesis was apart of Project X Evolution. He worked with a her on cloning technology. Dr Raphaela was the only scientist who Genesis knows treated him with kindness. 6 months after Genesis retirement as top S ranked evolver, Dr Raphaela lab was bombed and it's pronounced that she died in the explosion.

April is the clone of the doctor or rather and incomplete clone because Dr Raphaela was killed and her lab shut down. April never matured because she was released from the incubator pod early. Now she has the memories of a great scientist, she has the heart and body of a child . However, April has Raphaela's memories and a built in core network called the Index network. April was subsequently booted up and upon her awakening made contact with the first person who came to her memory.


For 6 months April as been following Genesis around everywhere he went. Dr Raphaela was an eccentric and energetic woman who loved teasing and playing with Genesis even when he was a child. Always wanted to see more of his abilities, this drives him nuts. April treated him in the same way the Raphaela treated Genesis but a little bit more lovingly.

When April talks she refers herself as a third person and even to this point nobody knows the chemistry between her and Genesis. Whenever Genesis looked at her and see's the face of Raphaela who helped him in the past and because of what he went through with his emotions, he doesn't know his feeling towards April. Genesis looked at Dr Chelsea unresponsive as he didn't know what to say.

" Fine, it's not like I truly understand where your coming from, you don't have to care about anyone's feelings... You're a coldblooded villain afterall "

Chelsea walked away leaving Genesis standing there. Genesis looked at her as she walked away and got irritated.

" Tch, why is everyone trying to get on my nerves ? It's not my problem...."

He stood there silent in the hallway until he has made up his mind.

" Damn it, damn it all to hell "

In the meantime.

Chelsea walked back to the room where the party was being held. The mood was dampened because Genesis refused to take part in it. April looked up at the doctor with a saddened expression.

"Is he coming? "

April ask.

" I'm sorry April "

" It's okay, April didn't consider his feeling, deep in her heart she knew this wouldn't work "

April looked down on the ground depressed. Chelsea saw April's sadness and felt sad herself. In her mind she was cursing genesis for being a joke.

" Hm? Genesis? "

June called out as she sees Genesis standing at the door. Everyone looked at him and wondered why is he here. April ran up to Genesis and looked up at him.

" What are you doing here, are you angry? "

April ask touching her two index fingertips together waiting for genesis to give his complain. Genesis looked at her and sigh before he starts rubbing his head.

" I came back, if I didn't then it would be problematic later "

Genesis then flicked her on the forehead and remained silent as he didn't know what he had to stay. April looked at him as Genesis looked away from her.

" Are you staying? "

April ask, genesis respond with a nod, this made her very happy.

" Yaaaaaaaaay "

April runs around Genesis cheerfully. Dr Chelsea and the others was surprised and yet happy. The small celebration started.

" I'm suprised your 17 years old Genesis, to me you don't look a day over 16 "

Said June as she looked at him profoundly.

" Looks can be deceiving.. Hm ?"

Genesis turned his gaze to April who hold up a small box to him. The box was wrapped in black paper and tied with sky blue ribbons

" Open it up "

April said.

Genesis open the box and inside was a bracelet made from small silver stars, there was a small tiger in the middle that stood out more. Genesis looked at the bracelet in his hand profoundly. After he put it on, Genesis felt a bit different looking at the small tiger.

" Happy Recovery "

April said.

So the celebration continues with the cutting of the cake made by April. Everyone returned to their post with smiling face and filled stomachs.

The next day came.

Genesis and April was in the backseat of car that was driven by Dr Chelsea. April looked through the window at all the people that the car passed by. Seeing them April was happy, excited even.

" So many people, it's been ages since April last saw this many "

April was hold by her dress collar and thrown into the car seat by Genesis. He was a bit irritated from some reason.

" Personal boundaries, if you want to look through the window don't sit in my lap, use the window beside you "

Genesis said.

" Genesis why don't you stay in your own home? "

Chelsea ask.

"What home? That mansion was given to me by the government and I don't want to have anything to do with the government...all they care about is their stupid human evolution protect and I'm through with their sh*t for good "

Genesis said as he continued to scroll through his phone.

" Well the government did treat you like a king didn't they ? The government only cares about themselve and what's more beneficial. Keeping the world strongest Evolver happy seem like a minimal task "

Chelsea said.

" If you ask me the government is a bunch of *ss who is this friend your having us stay with? "

" She's a friend of mine, you've met before. however I highly doubt you'll recognize her, However she works for the government, so if you don't want to stay with her then it's fine but she's different, she only serves the people and aid them if any difficulties might arise "

" Tch, in other word we're staying with a know it all do-gooders. I can already tell we are going to live together in peace and harmony "

Genesis stated with sarcasm and disappointment.

Within two hours they arrived at an apartment complexes in State Sector 12. An area with over with over 1000 apartment all lined up with eachother. Genesis and the other standing in the parking lot in front of a woman with a familiar face.

" You "

Genesis looked at her intensely. It was Toshiba, the commander of Primal-Task. She smiled and greeted Genesis with a wave.

" Hey there Genesis, funny seeing you again "

" Who the hell are you? "

Genesis ask, Toshiba smile turned sour and Chelsea shakes her head.

" I knew he would say this, sorry about genesis Toshiba, he often forgets the faces of people. Sometimes I think he might be doing it on purpose "

Chelsea said.

" I see, then allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Toshiba Grayham and You'll be staying with me "