Chapter 15

" Here sir "

The butler hands genesis a can of coke as he requested. He accepted it, open the can and started drinking it.

" So Genesis, how to do you like my home ?"

Veronica ask.

" It's okay "

" Come one, I thought you would give me a better answer. Your the first man I've invited into to my home "

" Tch, can we skip the flirting and get down to business "

Genesis said, the butler and maids was cleared off the living room per Veronica ordered. Only Veronica, genesis and Irene remained. Genesis takes a sip of his soda and crossed his leg.

" I'm good at calculating but I'm not good at making plans, if we are going to flush out the ones going after your father and April then we have to do things my way, meaning anything I say you'll do that? "

Genesis stated as he looks at Veronica.

" But I'll still act as your bodygaurd while we are in public "

" Yeah but Genesis, we don't know anything about your powers "

Veronica said, genesis takes out his phone and started scrolling through it.

" Don't worry about my abilities but it can't aslo be a problem, if I show too much abilities the enemy it might make them cautious of me.. "

" Genesis, Be honest with me, I've never heard of a Evolver who can use multiple abilities, what are you really, how can you use so much abilities "

Veronica ask but Genesis laughed it off.

" If you ask to much question, you'll never know the answer but I'll tell you the much, I have one ability with multiple uses, for now sit tight because our next destination is this party "

Genesis shows Veronica a online posture of another party for business tycoons are government officials.

" Why this party? "

Veronica ask.

" As I said before, if you ask too much question, you'll never know the answer "

Genesis continue discussing his plans to Veronica. She was astounded by some of the ideas he as come up with. In the end she comprehend what he was saying and agreed to go with his plans. After discussing Genesis looks at the time on his phone as it was getting a bit late.

" I'll be heading back home "

" What, you're leaving so soon ? "

" Yes, I'll see you tomorrow bright and early "

After he left, he went straight to the hospital. He changed back from his working suit back to casual outfit. The night creeped in and the city was sparkling with lights. Genesis walked into the hospital and walks all the way to Chelsea's off.

" There you are "

April creeped up on Genesis and hugs him from behind. She then walked in front of him and turned to him.

" April hasn't seen you for an entire day, do you know much April been worrying about you "

April continue to scold Genesis but it went through one ear and out the other. She continued to pout in front of him but Genesis just walked away.

" Huhhhh? April's talking to you, where have you been, what were you doing, April bets you were with that red haired lady weren't you "

" Just shut up and stop making a big deal of this "

" Hmph April's angry with you and she's still waiting for you to give her and explanations "

Saids April folding her arms as she walks behind Genesis, looking at him and casually waiting for explaining the reason for his absence. The door open and genesis walked into Chelsea office. Chelsea was in her office finishing up her paperwork home.

" Oh Genesis, "

" I need to ask you a favor doctor "

" Sure, as long as its within my power, I'll do it for you but I'm suprised you're asking me a favor "

"Don't look into it. anyways This kid , I need you to look after her for a week or two "

Chelsea was suprised, april was even more suprised. April didn't like the idea and she protest against it. This made Genesis furious and so he turned to her.

" Just shut up and do as I say ! "

He shouts. April couldn't talk back to him, she only stood there pouting with anger and mumbling to herself

" Right now this place is the safest, I can think of "

" I assume its related to that matter "

" Yes "

Chelsea and Genesis looked at eachother, this made April curious about what's going on. Soon Chelsea agreed and the small burden holding Genesis back was lifted.

" Okay April, you'll be staying here with me for a while, doesn't that sound like fun.. Dr June wanted to play that game with here "

Chelsea said.

" Yeah but "

April rushes to Genesis and hugged him tightly. She looks at him with sadness in her eyes.

" You won't go away and leave April behind? "

She ask.

Genesis look at her and his emotions stirred a tiny bit, no matter how much he push her away from him she always pulls him back to her . This has made Genesis uncomfortable and very uneasy.

" Tch, I won't, now you can let me go "

" Yaaaaay, that makes April happy, she'll be right here waiting for you "

Genesis said, april smiled at him, it was a caring and adorable smile that genesis cold and dark heart couldn't resist. After he left he stood on the roof of his favorite skyscraper. Genesis looks out at the bracelet that glowed up the night sky and no matter now he looks at it, april face was the only thing going through his mind.

- What's happening to me, every time I look at the kids face, something stirs in my chest -

Genesis holds his chest as he didn't know what was happening to him. He never experience any other emotion beside the negative ones but for the first time in his life Genesis felt uneasy for the first time Genesis was afraid. He clench his chest tighter and grit his teeth with anger.

- Until I figure out what's happening to me I won't let them take that kid, I'll find who is responsible and crush them -

Genesis look up at the moon and flew off into the sky.

The next day.

Veronica wakes up, she looks at her phone on the date May 23 2032 ,7:45 pm. She got out of bed and walks into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, removed her clothes and started to bath. After bathing, she wraps body and her head in a towel and started brushing her teeth.

Veronica walked out of the bathroom in her towel and she went to get closet. Veronica picks out a dress and place it on the bed. She sat down at the dresser, takes up the blow dryer and started to dry her hair.

" Tch, why don't you hurry up miss perfect we don't have all day "

" Hm ?"

Veronica looks in her mirror and realized that genesis was standing by the door with arms fold and leaning against the wall. Veronica was suprised and embarrassed. She quickly jumped from her seat and turned to Genesis.

" Wh-What are you doing in my room. More importantly how long have you been standing "

Veronica ask.

" Long enough to see that you snore and loudly"

Genesis stated, this made Veronica embarrassed. Genesis leaned off the walk up to her.

- He's been here that long ?-

" Rude, how dare you enter a woman room without her permission? "

" Kehehehe, I'm a villajn, it's what I do and besides.. Aren't I your bodygaurd, I'm supposed to protect you 24/ 7 aren't I ? "

Genesis looked at Veronica with a evil smile on his face. Out of fear, she takes a step back from him. She hugged her body tightly and she away from him.

" What do you planned to do to me ?"

" Hm? "

Genesis was confused by her question, he realized what she's doing and became irritated.

" Tch, don't get the wrong idea, I'm not interested in your body "

" You're not ! "

Veronica was suprised, what was even more suprising is that genesis didn't even look at her body for a split second. Everywhere she went men displayed their lust for her body. However, when she met Genesis for the first time, the first thing he display was the intentions to kill her. Even to this point Genesis hasn't display any other emotion beside negatively towards her .

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was Irene checking on Veronica and making sure she was okay. Veronica was embarrassed as she didn't know what do. She was worried about Irene coming and see Genesis with her.

" I'm fine, I'm just getting dress Irene "

" Do you need my assistance? "

" No, I'll take care of myself, you just wait "

" Okay "

Veronica breaths a sigh of relief when Irene left. She turned to Genesis with a rage of fury in her eyes.

" Get out and wait for me by the car "

" Alright "

Genesis snapped his finger and the window opened. He walk to the window, the bright light shines. He turned to Veronica with a arrogant smile.

"See yah "

For a second Genesis sparkled in Veronica's eyes again. After he jumped through the window she stood there.

" Is that feeling again, what's going on with me? "