Chapter 16

Genesis and Irene stood by the car waiting for Veronica. The door opened, Veronica walked out of the house in a casual dress. The door of the car was open for her and she step in. After Genesis and Irene got in the car, they drive out the yard and unto the road. Veronica was on her phone talking to someone and hanged up before talking to Irene.

" I'm meeting with my friends today so stop by restaurant on norphs street "

" Yes ma'am "

They drove to the restaurant on Norphs Street. Inside waiting for them was two girls. A Blondie and the other was white haired, their names are Risa and Angelica. Both are from wealthy family and they displayed a sense of elegance. They are veronica friends every since they were in highschool. Veronica greeted the two girls who ask her to join the. She agreed and so she sat with them while Genesis and Irene stands behind Veronica.

" I haven't seen you in a long while veronica, how have you been? "

" I've been busy Risa, you know how it's tiring to be rich "

" Tell me about it, it's hard being rich but anyways let's order "

Veronica and her friends talked and laughed together. Some of the topics the discuss about are about clothes, buying expensive jewelry and about boys. Genesis stood there silently listening to them and suppressing his short temper. Suddenly, Risa brought up a sensitive subject to Veronica.

" So veronica, I heard you're being targeted by criminals "

This subject suprised Veronica.

" Where did you heard that? "

" It's just a rumor "

" I'm fine, there is no one trying to kidnap me "

Veronica said, genesis was irritated that she revealed the truth. In his mind he was cursing her for the idiot she is .

" So there is something going on, is that why you hired a bodygaurd? "

Angelica ask as she looks at Genesis.

" Bodyguard ? You mean that boy, I didn't even notice him "

Risa smiled as she looks at him.

" Veronica, I'm sure you can do better than to hire a wimpy kid like him.. Or maybe he's your boy toy "

" Yes Genesis is my... "

Veronica suddenly felt a cold chill run up her spine. She takes a glimpse at Genesis who was staring at her intensely, waiting for her to call him her boy toy.

" H-He's my bodygaurd "

Veronica said with a half smile while sweating nervously.

" Oh come in, you're not serious about this are you? "

"Yes I am, "

" Alright, as long you know what your doing "

The three of them continue talking for a while before veronica friends left in a fancy White Lamborghini Aventador. She returned to the car and it drives off.

" Be prepared for tonight "

Genesis said.

" Are you sure they'll show ?"

Veronica ask out of concern.

" Yes, if they are really after you then they'll show up and you said that your old man is returning to America tomorrow"

" Yes "

" Then sit back, I'll take care of everythings "

Genesis last words kept ringing in her head. Veronica started getting the wrong idea of what he mean and started picturing in her mind Genesis and her doing to deed and he was saying to her " Sit back, I'll take of everything "

" What's with that creepy smile on your face? "

Genesis ask

" N-Nothing, let's carry on "

Later that night.

A tall hotel near the beach sparkled in the night, stoplights shines in the sky as the surrounded it. Celebrities arrived one after the other in fancy sports cars and luxurious helicopter. They walk in the red carpet passing the hundreds of paparazzi who kept clicking photos after photos. Soon a shiny black limousine came up and stepping out of it was Veronica and Genesis.

They walked down the red carpet together, cameras was taking pictures of Veronica who was in her blue dress that matches her blue eyes. Veronica waves her hand to the paparazzis and smiled. Genesis on the other hand just walked a little bit behind her with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed. Veronica looks at him and she smiled.

They were granted access into the party. It was dazzling with lighting that reflect off the glass chandelier. Hundreds of wealthy and high status people all together in one room. They laughed and smile at eachother, complimenting eachother and greeting them. Veronica and genesis stood at the entrance and getting a hood view of the party.

- Look at all these people, there nothing but hypocrites and money hungry dogs. I'm starting to get the feeling I should crash this party -

Genesis though to himself, veronica look at him and she smiled.

" Aren't you going at compliment me on how I look tonight? "

She ask.

" Tch, don't wait on it, let's go "

" You can't even compliment a girl on how she looks, You're such a stingy guy, I bet you never had a girlfriend in your life "

Veronica ask but she got no response from Genesis.

" Oh my god, are you still a virgin? "

" Don't you know when to keep your mouth close? "

After mixing with the crowd, veronica talked with some people that she was well acquainted with. Genesis turned around and saw grape on the table. He picked on and throw it his mouth, then he picked another and ate it.

" Veronica "

" Hm? "

Genesis turned around and see a boy walking to Veronica.

" Leon "

" You look beautiful tonight Veronica, that outfit brings out your eyes, I'm falling in love with you all over again "

Leon display his charm and elegance to Veronica.

" Veronica, After this party is over let's go to the beach so we could look at the moonlight together "

" Maybe some other time "

" Veronica join me for.... Hm? "

Leon notice Genesis standing there look at the two of them.

" Why are you staring at us, can't you see we are talking, get lost! "

Leon shouted at Genesis. However, genesis didn't move. he just took up another grape and chewed it with his eyes closed. Leon was angry at his audacious attitude and ignorant behavior.

" Who is this brat? "

Leon ask.

" He's my bodygaurd, he's protecting me and watching over me so I don't get hurt "

Veronica said.

" A bodygaurd ? Veronica if you needed someone to protect you, I am willing to protect you, with my life is needed.. I won't allow you to put your life in the hands of this weak and uneducated boy... You there.. Your service aren't no longer needed, so get lost "

Leon ridicule Genesis but Genesis didn't even move, he waited until he ate his grape before speaking.

" Small dogs always barks the loudest "

" What did you call me?! "

" You heard me, I don't need to repeat myself.. Oh! Is it because of the hard wax in your ears, perhaps that's why you did hear me, you need to get them clean "

As Leon was getting insults from Genesis his eyes became blood shot. Everyone around was looking at him, some was even laughing at him. This made Leons anger peaked.

" Boy you don't know who I am.. I'll teach you a lesson? "

Leon generate a blue flame in his hand. Genesis looks at the flame and realized that he's a Rank B pyrokenesis user. Genesis smiled as he look at Leon showing off his flame.

" I'll burn you to ashes right here and... "

" That's enough Leon! "

Veronica shouted gaining the attention of those around her.

" Genesis was choosen by me personally, he has the skills and qualifications needed. by insulting him your insulting me... Leon are saying that I'm uneducated "

She ask. Leon's moon changed for angry to apologetic.

" No that's not what I meant "

" It's exactly what you meant, leave now Leon while I'm still in a good mood "

Soon Leon left, he was angry and showed his hatred for Genesis. In his mind he was threatening to get back at genesis for what he did. Genesis smiled and tap his foot on the ground once. Suddenly, Leon who was walking normally started slipping. He couldn't catch his balance and both his leg went in opposite directions.

" Oooooooh ! "

Leon had a sour expression on his face moan in pain and hold his crotch.

" D-Don't just stand there, help me up! "

Leon said, Genesis laughed as he watch from getting carried away by two waiters. Veronica turned her gaze to him as she watched him snicker to himself.

" Aren't you afraid there might be repercussions ?"

She ask, genesis stopped laughing and look at her with a smile of confidence.

" I'm a villain, it's against my policy to let those who insult me get away easy "

In the meantime

Four adults entered the party together all dressed up. A whiteman 6 ft tall stood out the most, he had a muscular body and confident look on his face. The other male was dark-skinned man while the two ladies was white one had black hair while the other had peach colored hair

" Okay, this is where we part ways for now, remember be careful "

He said.

" Don't worry Moses, we can handle ourselves "

Each man went the opposite direction with a woman. They blended in with the crowd conversing with the people.

Moments later.

Agent Kurt and Agent Simon arrived at the party.

" Damn, so many rich people in one place it's blinding "

Said Kurt, His partner notice for people hiding amongst the crowd giving off an immense EP signature. EP ( Electropuslation) signatures are waves of energy giving off by Evolvers, The Stronger and Higher the rank of the Evolver, the stronger the EP signature.

" Those four, they are A rank Evolvers "

Simon points out.

" I bet they are the ones from Justice X.. Those so call heroes "

Kurt said.

Simon looks around the party and suddenly became suprised when she saw genesis. When she look at his EP signature she suddenly find herself standing at the edge of the universe.

"What's this, what's going on?.....huh "

Simon turned around and saw two skyblue eyes looking at her from the darkness of the universe. She heard a growling sound and suddenly something roared at her loudly.

" No "

She snapped back to reality and fall to the ground in fight. Kurt rushed her side and check if she was alright. Simon eyes was fixated on Genesis as she look at him with panic on her face. Genesis turned his head and look at her and She got a good look in his eyes

- That boy, what the hell is he? -

Simon ask herself