Chapter 21

At a speed of 150 mph Genesis whizz through traffic. He took a glimpse at Veronica who clings to him tightly with tears in her eyes. Soon they reached the hospital ,Veronica rushes insides and check with the nurse that worked at the from desk. Veronica was point in the direction and she runs off. Standing by a room was her brother Seymour. Veronica runs up to her brother and tightly gives him a hug.

" How is he ? How is father?! "

Veronica ask with tears in her eyes.

" He had a heartattack, the doctors are checking on him now, don't worry sister, I'm sure he'll be alright, father is strong, he won't give up that easily "

Seymour explains.

" I hope so brother "

They sat in the waiting area, nervously moving about with uneasiness. They waiting outside the operating room for almost two hours. Veronica sat beside her brother with sad expression on their faces. Genesis on the other hand leaned against the wall with his arms fold.

He look at veronica's sad expression but his expression hasn't changed in the slightest. He never comfort anyone before, so he has zero clue how to act. After two more hours of waiting, the doctors came out of the operating room. He removed his mask to address Veronica and Seymour who was desperate for answers but in the end he responded by shaking his head.

Veronica started despairing and her knees gave out beneath her. Seymour started panick as the doctor gave them the bad news.

" I'm sorry but we tried everything we could to save him, I'm sorry "

The doctor walked away leaving Veronica and Seymour crying.

" Father, father ! "

Veronica cried on the floor as she hold herself. Seymour in the other hand clenched his fist and grit his teeth.

" Father, How could you leave us at a time like this ? "

He said, suddenly Veronica became suprised and she rushed over to Genesis and hold his hand.

" Genesis, please save my father ! use your powers to save him ! I'll do anything you ask of me, just save my father ! "

Veronica begged genesis with tears in her eyes. Genesis look at her silently and pulled his hand away.

" I'm sorry but even my powers don't allow me to ressurected the dead "

" Why not! You have the power to bend the laws of the world, can't you try ?!"

Veronica ask but Genesis walk away.

" I'm a human not a god, Even my powers have limits. I'm sorry but your on your own "

He said leaving them in a heartbroken state.

After that, Rickland Saturn's death was announced to the world. For the CEO of one of the greatest business in America, it shook the lands of America. Rickland was a very respectable and wise man who strives to help his fellow man.

His funeral was held two days later. Many people from family, friends and business associates came together to see him off. His funeral was broadcast and thousands of people watched. Veronica and Seymour who was his only two children was even more saddened by the death of their beloved father.

Watching them from a distance was genesis, leaning against his motorcycle drinking a can soda. Toshiba walked up to him and stood beside him.

" It's funny seeing you here Genesis, did you know Rickland Saturn? "

" I don't know him "

Genesis took another sip of his soda. Toshiba wasn't suprised by his nonchalant attitude. She leaned against his bike and took up one of his can soda and started drinking it.

" Haaaa, this drink is pretty good, I can see why you drink it so hard "

" What are you doing here Toshiba? "

" I'm paying my respect,As the Commander of Primal-Task I have to, Hey I have to ask, Is there a particular reason you stop staying at my apartment "

" No idea "

They continue to walk as the casket was being lowered while they throw flowers on it. The cries of woman couldn't be heard from that distance. The funeral was over and everyone was leaving. Most return to their cars and drives away while other stay behind to offer the relatives their condolences.

" It's over, I'm heading back "

Toshiba walked away while Genesis stayed behind. Veronica noticed him leaned against his bike. After leaving the crowd she walk up to him.

" I'm glad you came "

Veronica said.

" Well I am your bodygaurd after all "

There was an awkward silence between the two of them for a while. Veronica kept squirming as she was a bit flustered. She steals glimpse at him once in a while but he was too unmoved to notice her. Genesis then got on his bike and starts it.

" where are you going? "

Veronica ask.

" Somewhere quiet, I'll see you.. "

Before genesis could ride off Veronica got on the bike and wrap her arms around his waist. Genesis was irritated by this so he looks around at her.

" What are you doing ? "

" Where ever you're going, take me there "

" Tch, You're such a pain in the *ss "

Genesis rides off, as the rode down the highway. He parked his bike in front of the tallest skyscraper. Veronica had to strain her neck to look up at the top. The sun that shines in the sky was reflecting off the glass windows.

" What are we doing here? "

Veronica ask.

" Stop asking questions "

Genesis grabbed her and throw her on his shoulders. Veronica was a bit embarrassed by this. Genesis leaped in the air once and flew up. Veronica who was on Genesis shoulder was looking down. She scream in fear as she was afraid of heights. Soon they reach the top, genesis throw her down on the ground and hold his left ear.

" So damn loud, Tch you could have deafen me with all your screaming "

Genesis takes your a can soda and started to drinking it. Veronica stood back on her feet, the wind was blowing hard so she hold down her black skirt with both hands. She walk up genesis side and was in awe of the view from here. She could see the city, the mountians and the sea from where they stand.

" Amazing, the veiw here is wonderful, is this your favorite spot Genesis "

Veronica ask.

" Well isn't it obvious, This is where I come to think, You are the first to come here "

Genesis said, Veronica ask for a can soda and he gave it to her. The two stood together looking at the view. Veronica kept looking at genesis and she blushes.

- I'm the first person he took here, doesn't this mean I'm special to him -

Veronica though to herself.

" Genesis, can you tell me about your childhood ? "

" Tch, why are you so interested in my life all of a sudden? "

" You're my bodygaurd, of course I wouldn't be curious "

" Well you're asking the wrong person, I don't like bringing up the past "

" Is it that painful? "

" More than you could imagine "

Veronica look at Genesis and she finds herself wanting to know more about Genesis. The night came and Veronica returned home. She got off genesis bike and look at her house.

" Hm... Are you going to escort me inside? "

Veronica ask.

" should I thought ? "

" You're my bodygaurd after all "

Veronica said with a smile. Genesis felt irritated but in the end he has to agree. He followed Veronica all the way to her room and she invited him in. Veronica went to the bathroom to take a shower while genesis stood in her room.

While he stood there waiting Veronica stood under the showering. She wore a smile on her face as she washes her hair. After she took a shower she return to her room wrapped in a towel. Genesis noticed her and look at her body that was wrapped in towel. Veronica noticed his gaze and smiled seductively.

" You know, You're the first man I've invited in my room other than my father..apart from the time you broke into my room "

" Tch, "

Genesis walked away and before he could leave Veronica hugged him from behind. Genesis was suprised and a bit furious by her actions.

" What do you think your doing? "

He ask.

" Come on stay with me for a while "

" I don't have time for your nonsense, let me go "

" No "

Veronica looked him affectionately in eyes.

" For the first time, my heart has ever sticked a beat for man.. I don't know what's going on with me but you have to take responsibility for it...i want you Genesis you to stay with me "

Veronica was in mood so she decided to leaned in closer to kiss genesis. She was inches away from giving Genesis her first kiss. Suddenly, genesis got irritated and pushed her down on the bed. Veronica was suprised but she was even more suprised when Genesis was holding a gun to her head. His eyes was cold and filled with anger

" What the hell is your problem ? "

Genesis ask.

" Genesis I... "

" Shut up.. I don't want to hear it... Don't forget your place, You and I have a deal and nothing else between don't cross the line "

Genesis pulled his gun and walk away, As he open the door he look back at her.

" I'm you're bodygaurd and you're my employer nothing more, nothing less "

He walked out leaving Veronica in an heartbroken state. She lay on the bed with tears flowing from her eyes. She grit her teeth in anger before rolling on her left side.

" Idiot, how could I have been such a fool? Of course there can never be anything between us, we have a contract nothing more nothing less "

Veronica clenched her heart tightly.