Chapter 22

The next day came. Genesis and Irene was escorting Veronica to her father company. During the journey there was an awkward silence between Genesis and Veronica. Irene who was driving notice the two of them aren't talking to each other and was curious about what's going on between them but dare not ask. She look at Genesis was was leaned back on the seat meditating while veronica was in the back putting on makeup.

" Ah, can't you drive faster Irene?! "

Veronica shouts, Irene ended up apologizing and drives a little faster. Veronica slammed her powder mirror shut and frowns in frustration. The car drives in the parking lot of Saturn Industries and they got out of the car. Veronica walked ahead of the two, She was upset about something. Irene felt uneasy by this and so she turn to Genesis.

" Do you know why miss is acting upset today ?"

" No clue "

" Stop talking and hurry up you two, I'm already late to the meeting as it is "

There was a board meeting today. In Rickland Saturn's will the company will be transferred to his only daughter. Today's meeting is about that Veronica ascension to CEO of Saturn Industries. All the board members was present in the conference room. Seymour, veronica older brother was present as well. After Veronica arrived and got settled the meeting began.

" As you all know in my father's will he has appointed me as the CEO of Saturn industries. Rest assure that there will be no immediate changes to our company's line of work "

Veronica stated.

Some of the board members was frustrated by this. Veronica knowledge about the company is average. They started finding a bit of fault in her. From her rarely showing up to the office straight to the scandals about her on in the internet.

" Mrs Veronica, even though your father left the company to you, running a company isn't simple as it sounds "

" I agree, let us handle everything for you "

" Better yet, Your brother has full knowledge about the company, I think he should be CEO "

Some of council members agree that Seymour is suitable for the position. Seymour is 29 has been working for the company for 11 years now. It was only a matter of time before all of them agreed. Veronica was upset that they could go against her father's wishes like that.

" Oh come on, I'm sure my sister can do a greater job than I am.. My father wished for her to take her life seriously and I agree with him...i have full faith that my sister can become a great CEO "

Seymour said.

" Ah, such modesty "

" Such a well refined young man "

The board members was in awe by Seymour attitude. His charisma fills them with awe and inspiration. Veronica was still upset that they didn't value her open. She slammed her hand down on the table and address them once again.

" How dare you ?! My father was the one who took all of you up, He made all of you proud board members of Saturn Industries.. Now he died you all want to turn your back on his wishes.. I know I'm not capable as my dear beloved brother but I'll still trying, I still have a lot to learn but for that I need your help... I don't want my to give up my father's legacy, I'll strive to leave up to my father's expectation even if that means leaving my lifestyle behind, I won't give up, I won't give up ! "

Veronica speech silenced everyone. She was a bit confused by they way they are looking at her. Soon Genesis started clapping catching Veronica off guard. Irene started clapping then Seymour started clapping and soon after all the board members stated clapping.

After signing the necessary papers Veronica was now the CEO of Saturn Industries. She received congratulations from her brother and from all of those who were around her. The only person she didn't receive congratulations from is Genesis. She look around for him but he was already gone.

Genesis was by the vending machines. He knocked the machine once and it coughed out a soda. Genesis took it up and started drinking it. He then noticed that Veronica was standing behind him.

" That's called stealing you know "

Veronica said, genesis smirk and turned to her.

" Well if isn't boss lady, what's bring you here? "

" This is my company now so I'm free to go anywhere I want "

"Fufufufuahaha, you're not even CEO for an hour and yet you're displaying a bossy attitude "

Genesis said.

" Listen genesis, I want to thank you for what you've done for me without your assistance I would have never gotten this far .. Let's go out for dinner together my treat "

" Huh? "

" It's just a thank you dinner, no tricks and you don't have to be my bodygaurd "

Veronica said, Genesis looks at her and sigh.

" Fine, I'll see you tonight then "

" Great "

Veronica was happy, She returned to her office to do her work while genesis stood in the roof of his favorite skyscraper. The wind blow his clothes as he looks out at the city.

" The real fun is only getting started... It's so exciting I can't contain myself.. Fufufufufu Hahahahahahah..... "

Genesis said, he turned up the volume of his headphone to 5 and fall off the ledge of the skyscraper backwards. He was getting closer and closer to the ground but he didn't care. Genesis smiled and turned his body mid air falling on his feet.

The wind caused by his landing caused powerful gust of wind. Some of the woman that were looking down their skirts while the guys was sheilding their eyes. They looks at genesis as he walked by them, got on his bike and rides off.

Later that night he went over to veronica's house. He was in his casual outfit, a Black shirt, a jeans plants neatly cuffed up to his ankles and a black shoes. He stopped his bike and turned off it's headlight. Two minutes after he was waiting Veronica walked out of the house.

She was wearing a shiny black dress, her long red hair was neatly tied into a ponytail. Her lips was red as a cherry and the diamonds earring she was wearing sparkle like her eyes. Any man would instantly fall in love with her beauty. Except for genesis who leaned again his bike drinking a can soda.

" I hope I wasn't keeping you too long ? "

Veronica ask.

" No, I just arrived "

" Well, how do I look? "

" Tch, stop asking me questions you aren't going to get an answer to "

Genesis stated, veronica laughed but stop as she looks at his clothes.

" Isn't that what you normally wear ?"

" Yes, now let's go "

" Wait "

Veronica takes out her key and throw it to him. It was the keys to her car, the Koniegsegg Regera .

" You're driving "

Veronica stated.

As Genesis drives Veronica smiled as she looks through the car window. Genesis looks behind him as he notices a car following behind.

" Today might be my last you know, Now that I've become CEO, I have to take my work serious "

Veronica said looking for answers from Genesis. He didn't give an answer so veronica presses one even further.

" People my often see's as a rich and spoil woman but in truth, I'm just trying to buy my way into finding something meaningful in my life.. I mean you're the strongest in the world. don't you fell lonely at the top Genesis ? "

Veronica ask.

" Being the strongest isn't my choosing, it's the people of this world who place you at the top.. Being at the top has its perks, very often I get fools who try to challenge for the position as this world top predator ....Other times I get words from do-gooders about how I should use my power to serve the people... That's a pile of bull crap.."

Genesis said

" If I had powers I would try to help others "

" Tch, a selfish b*tch such as yourself is willing to help others.."

" It could happen "

Soon the arrived at the restaurant. They got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. Out of nowhere Veronica holds Genesis arm and smiled. Even he was suprised by this but in the end he decided to hold his tongue. Veronica was pleased with so she hold on even tighter.

After the invitation was check they were escorted to a table. Most of the guys around looks at veronica's beauty with awe. She was very gorgeous which made them wonder why she's with Genesis who was wearing such tacky outfits.

" They are talking about us...aren't you a bit concerned "

Veronica points out.

" over the years I learned other people's opinions doesn't Matter, Now let's get this dinner over with so we can get to the main course "

Veronica was confused when Genesis said this. In the end she decided not to look into it.