Chapter 26

The next day came, genesis open his eyes to the bright morning sun. He was sleeping on a bed of an apartment he spends the night in . Genesis sat up and rubbed his neck.

" Damn it, I fell asleep here.. I must have dosed off after drinking my soda....What time is it ?"

Genesis look at his phone, There was 165 miss calls and 64 text from April. She was still angry that he left again without saying anything and she was aslo worried about him. There was a few unfamiliar numbers mixed in with his miss calls.

" Tch, It's still early, alright then I'll go and grab a quick shower "

Thanks to his work as veronica's bodygaurd Genesis earn a decent amount of money to find himself an apartment . With that he can rent an apartment for a 50 years so he doesn't have to worry about going broke any time soon. After showering he went to the nearest supermarket and pick up a few groceries.

" I alway see that guy coming here but he never talks to people and he always by the same drink "

" Do you think he's mute? "

" No, he's capable of speaking, he just don't talk to people "

" Oh I get it, Gotta admit though he's cute, wanna go over and talk to him? "

" No, I'm good "

Genesis didn't pay attention to the female customer and employees talking about him. He didn't care about there world, he just kept filling his trolly with can soda. After shopping for enough soda he walk up to the cashier and she cashed them for him.

" That $ 43.99 "

The cashier said

Suddenly, three men came into the supermarket with mask and guns. One of them fired a shot into the air and everyone got down on the ground.

" Nobody move, Nobody gets hurt "

While the cashier was down hiding behind the counter.Genesis didn't move of course because he was too busy counting the money in his wallet enough to give a damn. After taking out the necessary about of money Genesis places it on the counter.

" Hey we said in the ground, I SAID ON THE FLOOR YOU BRAT ! "

One of robbers attacked Genesis with a gun by was repelled by his barrier and the impact force ended up breaking his wrist. As he roll on the ground holding his wrist while screaming in pain, genesis didnt care to even look at him.

" Damn this kid is an evolver "

Another robber shot at genesis but the bullet was reflected back at the at him,straight in the chest finally Genesis looked at the last man standing. His eyes struck fear into the robber so he ran out leaving his other two comrades behind.

Genesis left the supermarket, without saying a word. Even the workers and customer was confused. After he stepped outside Genesis open a can of soda. He suddenly notice someone who looked familiar to him.

It was a girl with long blue twintails, She was eating a lollipop while leaned against Genesis bike. He was very irritated in seeing her smiling face. It was terabyte one of genesis old acquaintance.

" It's been a while Genesis "

" Tch what do you want? "

" Let's not talk here "

Terabyte got his bike and sat on the pillion passenger seat, She gently pat the rider seat indicating for him to get on. Genesis got on he bike, started it, rev it up and rides off. Minutes later police arrived on the scene to take the robbers away. Genesis rode to the park at the top of a mountain. There was a few people site seeing and romancing at the top but hot enough to disturb Genesis and Terabyte conversation.

" What's all this about? "

Genesis ask as she leaned against his bike and open a can of soda.

" I must congratulate you... For a bad guy you did well saving Veronica Saturn.. How did that kiss between you and her felt? "

Terabyte teasingly ask.

" You were watching me again ? "

" You mean who's not watching you but I must say.. It's odd seeing you go out your way for someone else, You know for that little clone girl your fighting to protect.. "

Terabyte got close to Genesis and started seducing him. She rub her hand on his chest and felt his abs.

" Maybe under all that Hard and Coldblooded heart of yours there is a bit of softness..Maybe you're not a real villain"

Terabyte said.

" Is that what you tell yourself? "

" Huh "

Terabyte ease her body off Genesis and look him. He didn't even look at her as he spoke back to her.

" Cynthia Webster aka Terabyte, The daughter of Person Webster, Your father is a inventor...You have an older brother and a older sister and he favors them than you ..So you ran away from home and become a mercenary with hacking skills, Invention skills and sniper skills...You are a killer like but that's not the whole story, everything you've done and everything your doing is to get back at your father... You want him to acknowledge you... If you ask me you're more pathetic than me "

" You know nothing about me ! "

Terabyte got very angry so she point a gun at his head. Her killing intent didn't faze Genesis, He just looked at her while the gun was pointed at him.

" Killing me won't solve anything "

Genesis said, Terabyte was still upset but she manage to suppress her anger enough to put the gun down.

" You're right, Killing you won't solve anything..though it pains me to say this but you're too valuable of a player to be dead...The reason I'm here is to tell you to watch your back... The government is coming for you "

" Huh ?"

" It seems your recent heroic deed as sparked their interests in you once again. They think you've changed somehow, grown softer and weaker. Both the military and the Government want USA's trump card back "

Terabyte explain, Genesis didn't answer her. He knew that the government would want him back. Even after he left they still send one are two persons to kill him or retrieve a sample of his DNA. Ultimately April is at the center of it all, with her around they know have a card to play against Genesis at the right moment.

" What's the deal with these Justice X anyways ?"

Genesis ask. Terabyte takes out her tables and started to show Genesis information on them.

" I've been keeping a close eye on them, they've foiled many crimes in one weak than the police and Primal-Task can handle... They're a group of 6 Evolvers....The leader name is Moses Aka Ulimate, He's an A ranked Evolver with the ability Magnetism, He was in the US Army until he was later suspended 5 years ago before Project X Evolution started, "

" I see, that's why he's able to fly and create a magnetic field around his body so strong it can block bullets.. His ability is compatible to mine then "

Genesis said, Terabyte to show Genesis information about the others.

" This woman is Anita aka Kiva aslo from the US Military....Her ability is A ranked Psychokinesis, She use to be a mother but her child died by gang related violence so she's avenging her child by bring criminal to Justice.. Kinda stupid isn't it....The next is Gordon aka Ranger , he was a former mercenary turned good guy, He a B ranked Evolver with excellent perception abilities.. He's good at knife throwing, Hand to hand combat and a Weaponry... The other is Natasha Petra, She's aslo a hand to hand Combat expert and her ability is A ranked Pyrokenesis, There is no backstory of her.. She was just scouted one day.....The next one is Luke aka Accelerate "

" Wait, that boy I know him "

Genesis said looking at the blond hair boy.

" You know him ?

" Tch, I met him before, He's a speed type Evolver.. He can run at lightspeed and he goes to Cheston Academy "

Genesis said.

" Well, since you know him then you know what he's capable off "

Terabyte explain,

" Who's the last one ?"

Genesis ask.

" He's my Older Brother "

Terabyte skip the monitor screen to her blue haired older brother. His name is Wallis Webster. An award winning inventor that excels in Nano technology and robotics.

" He's the one that develops gadgets and their high tech outfits for them "

Terabyte turned off her tablet and unwrapped a Lollipop, She then leaned off his bike and turned to him.

" I'm heading back now "

She walked away before she stopped and look at him.

" Genesis, You should know that we are still waiting for you.. Went you're ready, you know where to find us.. "

She walked away leaving Genesis alone. He just looked out a the view as he took the last drink of his soda. Genesis crushed the can and throw it behind him without looking around. The can flew into the air and land in the can recycle bin. Genesis got on his bike and rode off.