Chapter 27

A few days later.

A line of Black SUV and armored Vehicles drive down the highway like a train. Above the sky was a black helicopter flying in the same direction as the cars. They drive into the parking lot of an apartment complex .The door of the cars open and men in black suits got out and men in Black bullet proof vest and shields got out of the armored vehicles, The words S.W.A.T was aslo written on their shirts

They lined up with with their guns pointed at the apartment.The helicopter circled around the building continuously. Genesis was sleeping on the couch when awoke to the sound of the helicopters. He casually got up and walk to his fridge taking out a can soda.

Suddenly his apartment door was kicked down and men with guns came it. They started shouting at Genesis not to move and put his hand behind his head. Genesis Nonchalantly payed them no need, He just open the can of soda and started drinking. Genesis was surrounded by them and soon the loud shouting got to Genesis.

" So F**king noisy, Keep it down! "

He pressed a button on his headphones and the next thing his apartment blow up. Bodies of the soliders was flying in the air and fall to the ground. Debris and other stuff was flying through the air as well. Those who was outside was ready to open fire when they saw a sky-blue light glowing in the dust

" What's your problem ?! you just walks into my apartment and start shouting demand "

Genesis walked out of the dust with his hands in his pocket not giving a care to the guys laying on the ground with broken bones. He stood tall again the army that had come for him.

" What's it going to be this time.. You *sshole have a project you want me in...or maybe you want my DNA is that it? "

Genesis ask as he leaked out his killing intent. A woman with blond hair got out of one of the vehicle and walk up to Genesis.

" Marshalee Hills, Secretary of Defense, Nice to...."

" Spare me your fancy greeting and tell me what you want "

Genesis said, Marshalee looked at Genesis, even though it didn't show she was a bit afraid.

- They say whatever I do I must anger him but it seems just by showing up we did that... His eyes they're so cold and viscious. It's like staring into the eyes of a hungry beast -

She thought to herself and swallowed her saliva.

" There is something we would like to discuss with you.. Please come with us "

Marshalee said with a smile. Genesis was irritated as he walked passed her. He casually got in the back seat and Marshalee got in beside him. Soon after everyone packed up and leave. The place they were going to is the center of the United States, State Sector 1. During the journey Genesis was meditating while enjoying the ride. Marshalee who was beside him kept looking at genesis with fear.

- CodeName Genesis, The strongest evolver in the world, He's adept in Physics Manipulation and can freely control every kind of power in the world... Every other information about him has been listed state secret but it's now that he has a dangerous personality...he's making me terrified just by looking at him -

She thought to herself.

Within hours of travelling across state sector 3,5 and 10 they arrived at State 1. It was a government district, one large governing board in a single Sector. It's where the government and the military come together to discuss plan and execute them.

" Tch, Home sweet Home "

Genesis got out of the car and look at the large white cylinder shapped building before him. Looking it brought back memories, It was the same place Genesis declared his resignation as the US S ranked Evolver. He still could remember them arguing over him. He still remember when they decided to cover up the accident that happened over a year ago.

Marshalee had some business to take car of so Genesis was lead to a waiting room. It was there he silent waiting. He could hear the PSP game of a small boy who sat at a distance. Genesis was irritated by the sound and he got up and walk up to the vending machine. With one kick the machine coughed out a soda.

The little boy noticed that and made an opportunity to approach Genesis who didn't notice the little boy until he finished drinking his soda. The boy had cream colored hair and red eyes, He was the same height as april and have an emotionless expression on his face.

" Your an evolver like me, What kind of a power do you have? "

The boy ask, genesis didn't answer him he just turned and walk away. He suddenly became a bit suprised when he saw the little boy standing in front of him.

" Teleportation ?! "

Genesis point out.

" That's my powers I awakened my abilities 3 months ago , my Mother works here so I'm going to get my abilities evaluated..... "

" I'm not interested in your business, find someone else to bother "

Genesis returned to his seat and relaxed. The little boy didn't stop looking at Genesis. He has taken an interest in Genesis abilities so he sat beside him.The little boy continue to play his game while talking to Genesis. His name is Daniel, his mother works in the finance department and his father work in agriculture. Since he's the only child he's been a lone at home.

" So who you and why are you her ?"

Daniel ask, Genesis snapped his finger and the boys PSP shorted out.

" I told that I'm not interested in your business and if you keep pestering me I'll shut you up "

Genesis said, David look at his broken game and he didn't feel bad, instead he looked at him without any expression on his face. The door open and Genesis was called by a group of men. He got up and left with them leaving the boy alone.

" Hm? "

David hold his chin and ponders on something. In the meantime, genesis was being escorted by four men down the hall. He open his eyes and look at the guys following behind him. They wore the same expression on their faces and worst of all they are quadruplets

- These guys are evolvers but I can't shake the feeling something isn't right about them -

Genesis though to himself. The door opened and he was lead to the large board room. It was a large room with a university room setting. Sitting on the chair was different government and military official. Genesis was made to stand before all of them once again. He looked around as behind the door was many Evolvers and Regulars humans that was armed. He smirked at the government's security.

" Thank you for coming Genesis "

Spoke an old man.

" Of course, I mean when then government calls I must respond, don't it fufufufu... Now what's it this time "

Genesis ask.

They started to discuss amongst them about Genesis saving Saturn Industries. That company was very vital for their economy.

" Oh, so you like my performance huh ? "

Genesis ask.

" Genesis, we have decided to reinstate you again.... "

Those words are the one Genesis has been anticipating for quite sometime now. They continue to talk about genesis importance, How they wouldn't not only Reinstate him but reimburse him once again. Genesis listened to them and he know why they want him back. They are afraid of Genesis falling into the hands of another country.

" What about what happened a year ago? "

Genesis ask.

" We are willing to overlook that matter... What happened was an accident "

" Genesis, It's time to return to your rightful place. "

" Yes, You're our country most caluable Entity after all "

Hearing those words Genesis laughed and laughed and laughed.

" You want to return me to my right place.. As the country most valuable entity. Fufufufufufufufu Hahahahahahahahahaha.. Wow you *ssholes are so arrogant "

As he laughed the government officials looked at him. His insane personality struck fear into their hearts.

" ....hahahahahah....its hilarious, I've never felt this underestimated before.. But get serious "

Genesis stopped laughing and looked at them with killing intent.

" It seems you didn't take me seriously when I told you that I didn't want anything to do with you, So I'll tell you once again I'm done with you m*otherf*uckers.

He then hold up his middle finger to them.

" So f*uck off before I kill all of you "

Genesis said, His murderous intent strike fear into their hearts. Those who was outside came it with guns and other starts displaying their abilities. The government officials all got angry.

" Genesis, you're talking to the ones who runs this country !"

" We are giving you a chance boy ! "

" You are a resident of the United States Of America.. You should be using your power to serve the people, To serve your country!

" We are the ones who have the power to decide what to do with you "

" Power you say ?! "

Genesis got angry and stomp his foot on the ground, a wave of energy surge from under his feet and suddenly the ground and the wall started cracking. Those with guns and ability started firing at genesis. He raised his two hand and gathered all the bullets, lightning, wind and plasma together and forge them into attack that he blasted away the ceiling out of anger.

After the rumble and everything calmed down. The government officials who was hiding behind the table look up. Genesis was standing over them with anger and hatred in his eyes.

" So you think because you once had control over the strongest evolver in the word.. You think that your gods, don't you ? "

They tremble in terror because of the look, they thought he was going to kill him.

" I'll teach you a lesson to keep you big mouth shut.. Permanently "

Genesis senses someone flying in. It was the seven of the Justice X member together. Ultimate was in the center with his arms fold.

" Well we'll well.. If it isn't Mr superhero.. The magnet boy... Mr Ulimate "