Chapter 28

Genesis stood face to face with justice X.

" Surrender Genesis, We don't want any trouble "

Said Mr Ultimate.

" But if you want to fight we can do this the easy way, or the hard way "

Said Petra. Genesis examined them all, Thanks to Terabyte intent he has a good idea of their abilities and even though they are no match for him, He still consider them a nuisance.

" Tch, You guys are so annoying.. The thing I hate about is that in the face of someone who's far stronger than you.. You still have that confidence and cocky look on your faces "

Genesis then sigh.

" So what are you going to do.. Try to spoke me from killing them.. Try to change my with your word tell to car about my fellow human being or to walk the right path before its too late ... Forget it "

He added.

" Your right, we are going to stand in your way..surrender now Genesis, you have no where to go "

Said ulimate.

- These guys are extremely cockier than I imagined.. .. Fine I'll have to show them who has real power -

Genesis jumped down off the table top and land before them. He laughed a little them looked at them with a sadistic smile on his face.

" Tch surrender you say ?...i have nowhere to go ?...Ffufufufufu wow you government lapdogs sure are confident... There are 8 S ranked Evolver in the world and I'm undoubtedly the strongest of them all.. So tell me.. How is 5 A ranked *ss kissers of the government plan to stand in my way "

Genesis ask.

" Can you believe the mouth on this kid? "

Petra ask.

" Let's just beat him down and be done with it "

Accelerate dashed at Genesis,He was hoping to finish Genesis with one blow but things betrayed his expectations. The next thing Accelerate know is that he found himself in Genesis grip.

" What?! "

" Tch? You think you're the only one who can move at lightspeed "

The rest off Justice X moved into attack Genesis but he casually tap his foot on the ground. A sonic wave was generate and blow them All away.

" I said you fools don't stand a chance "

Genesis throw Accelerate away. The speed he was throw was so fast if accelerate hit the wall he would have turned into a stain on the wall. Lucky for him Kiva manage to stop him from hitting the wall.

" Hm? "

Genesis looked up as Ultimate lifted up a large slab of concrete with his ability and throw it at genesis. He didn't move as the large concrete came at him. Genesis hold out his hand and he flicked it with his finger. The stone slab returned back to Ulimate at 5 times the velocity. Ulimate was pushed back but luckily for him he manage to catch it and throw it down.

Ranger who started firing bullets at Genesis and he circled around him. All the bullets bounce off genesis barrier in different directions. Petra leaped into the car and came down with a flaming kick. Her foot hit genesis barrier and broke in three places.

" Gyaaaaaahh "

Petra hold her foot and screamed in pain. Genesis smiled sadistically as he pointed at gun at her and pulled the trigger. Lucky for Petra accelerate saved her in time.

" Huh ! "

Accelerate was shocked to see genesis running behind him with his hand in his pockets.

" As I said before, You're not the only one who can run at lightspeed "

Genesis generate a wind sphere in his hand and blasted it at accelerate and Petra blowing the two of them away.

" That's 2 down 3 to go "

Genesis said, He look at Ulimate and smiled sadistically.

" What's wrong Magnet boy , Why don't you show me your powers... I mean you must have a reason to be called Mr Ultimate , why don't you show me your ultimate power "

" You know I expect more from you "

" Huh "

" That day you risk your life to save that woman. I thought you were doing it out of noble goal...i though you had the makings of a hero....It seems I was wrong, "

Said Mr Ultimate.

" awe, Did that make you sad ?"

Genesis smiled wider.

" If you think I'm anything like you are sorely mistaken, That day I was putting up a facade, You don't know how much I wanted to kill you but back then I didn't have a reason to kill you, Now I have every reason to kill you "

" What are you walking about ?"

Ulimate ask, Genesis then pointed at the government officials covering behind the tables.

" Let me ask you.. Have you heard of Project X Evolution? It was a project focusing on turned regular humans into Evolvers and Evolver to evolve again.. I was apart of that project...i manipulate the human DNA for them and killed people all in the name of research.. These people changed their plans and sticked wires into my brain so I could release my true power and you know what happened "

Genesis ask.

" Your power went haywire causing a dimension rift You ended up killing over 3 million people "

Said Gordon.

" Fufufufufu, here I though that information was classified but you're correct....i killed over 3 million people and these good for nothing covered it up... So I'll ask Magnet noy .. Are you going to defend these people or are you going to let me get revenge on these government officials "

Genesis ask.

" It not your fault or theirs, You can't solve violence with violence, You have to look past your anger and work things out.. It's the right thing to do "

Ulimate said, Genesis looked at him silently and sigh in disappointment.

" I knew you were going to say that.. It's nothing.. You're our the government wind up dolls anyways "

" Genesis I know what you went through.. I lost a child to gang violence, revenge does solve anything.. Let us help you, we can work this out together if you come with us "

Said kiva

Suddenly the sky got cloudy as thunder clouds appeared. A lightning fall from the sky and landed beside Genesis and standing in the same spot is a boy with white hair and discharging blue lighting, It was discharge.

A person made out of fire and lava flew in by shooting flames from his hands and foot. He descended beside Genesis and returned to normal, It was Overheat. Both are A ranked Evolver and both are on Genesis side.

" I'm sorry but he's not going anywhere with you "

Said discharge.

" What are you two doing here? "

Genesis ask.

" We came to rescue you "

Said overheat, Genesis didn't understand what they were doing here. He was more upset that they interrupted him.

" I'm coming to "

Said a little boy walking up to Genesis and his friends. It was the little boy called David who was in the waiting room with genesis. Suddenly, a woman with the same color hair noticed him.

" David ?!, what are you doing, get out of there ?! "

" I'm sorry mother, I'm not going back with you "

Said David, He then look at Genesis who looked back at him in confusion.

" Magnet boy I'm afraid your wrong.. I don't need saving, The government will pay and this isn't A jest, request or revenge...It's a declaration of war against these son of b*tches "

Genesis said and David teleport them away. After he the government officials was in a state of panic. Genesis declaration of war against the unite state government was so a shock no one could sit down.

" You fools! "

A man shout at the Justice X.

" Not only did you fail to stop him, You caused such a huge mess, what do you have to say for yourself ?"

" Don't worry we will catch him next time "

Said Ulimate.

" You don't understand anything do you.. Genesis is the Strongest Evolver In the World, He excel manipulating the very laws of physics, If any other country finds out about this declaration of war, many countries would want to side with him in order to win his favor "

" Don't worry, we'll keep this the low.. "

Said Gordon

" Do you know anyone we could contact, so they could change his mind "

Kiva ask.

" There is no such person, we are on our own "

In the meantime.

April woke up and look out at the moon, She open the door and walk down the halls of the hospital when she encouraged nurse June.

" April, what are you doing out of bed? "

" April's actually worried about him, She hope he's doing okay "

April hugged her teddybear tighter while thinking about Genesis. Nurse June got down on her knees and pat april on the head.

" Don't worry he's fine, I'm sure he's out there fighting to keep you .. It may not show but he cares about, you just have to believe in him "

" Okay, April will wait for him "

April walked back to her room.

- Poor girl to think she really cares about him, Genesis hurry up and come back, April is waiting for you -

June though to herself.