Chapter 55

Raphaela explained her self to everyone. She left tired and needed a vacation so she used the destruction of the lap to sneak out of the country and travel to Japan. Raphaela enjoys staying there and told them about all the food she eaten and the place she has visited. Raphaela loved that Japanese anime so much that she even design her appearance to look like one of the famous characters. Raphaela explains everything so fast the others couldn't keep up with her but Chelsea manage to get the idea of what happened

" So after the lab exploded you ended up sneaking out of the country and went to Japan where you've been all this time "

Chelsea said.

" Yeah pretty much HEY WAITER , GET ME SOME PASTA "

Raphaela cheerfully continue to eat, April was beside her eating as well And they chew their food in perfect sync.

" Hey you know what we should try out next? "

She ask April.

" April knows "

Raphaela and April both shouts" Icecream Sundaes " at the same time. Chelsea, Toshiba and Genesis all watch the two of them eating the large bowl of ice cream together until they were both full to move.

" I get that you left the country but why are you here? "

Chelsea ask.

" Hahahaha for GG of course heheheheh "

" Tch, I don't want to have nothing to do with you, I'm fact you left me a huge mess to clean up, just you wait when I get free of these ropes I'm going to strangle ....."

Before Genesis could finish threatening her Raphaela stuffed a lobster in his mouth and casually laughed at him as he mumbled with a mouth full of food.

" What do you mean you're here for him? "

Chelsea ask.

" I'm here to return GG powers back "

The four of them was suprised.

" but it's scientifically proven that's it's impossible for an Evolver to regain their powers once it is lost "

Chelsea said.

" Not for the Raphaela Xavier the smarted person in the whole galaxy , You see I have personally invented a nanogen that repair damage brain cells down to the cellular level "

Raphaela explains the basic of how the drug works.

" Hehehehe let's begin "

She snapped her finger and a girl digitally materialize beside her. She had long sky-blue twin tails, purple eyes and very cute smile.

<< What can I do for you lady Raphaela? >>

" Everyone need Raphaela she's an AI of my creation Say hello to MII "

Raphaela introduce the MI to everyone, she took a polite Japanese bow to everyone.


" Amazing, I've heard China only developed the prototype for an AI but you've create one that is able to materialize itself "

Chelsea said.

" Hahahaha, I'm supersmart aren't i ? MII darling please begin "

<< Yes ma'am >>

MII approach Genesis and materialize a needle in her hand with blue liquid inside. Genesis started to shake and fight his way out of the rope. He manage to spit out the lobster out of his mouth.

" Don't you dare inject my with that thing especially when it's made by this wooooman "

Genesis felt the needle being injected into the back of his neck. Suddenly it felt like an electricity going through his brain as the microscopic nanobots started to repair Genesis damaged braincells on the cellular level. Something was connected in his head again and Genesis started to feel a bit of pain and screamed as he stood to his feet.

" What did you do? "

Toshiba ask.

" Oh, it's just a little pain he's feeling from having his brain being repair, this is a first time using this thing "

" What so you used a drug in him that hasn't been tested yet? "

Everyone in the restaurant watched as Genesis was screaming in pain. Inside his head the nanobots finished reparing the last cell and a white current started rushing through Genesis brain and his entire body.

" Gyaaaaaaaaaahhh "

Genesis made a final scream of pain and break the ropes binding his body and suddenly two large wings appeared on his back. The inside of the wings was sky-blue in color while the outside was jetblack. Toshiba and the others was in awe ask the look at the wings on his back and only Chelsea was even more shocked because she notices the wings are of that large black tiger.

" Hooray, that was a success, Yay for me "

Raphaela clapped as she congratulating herself. The disc on Genesis throat and the earpiece shorted out and fall off

He stood there breathing as his headache was slowly subsided and then the wings on his back disappeared.

" Are you okay? "

April ask as she rushed over to him.

" I'm fine don't... huh ?! "

Genesis was suprised by the fact that he can not only walk properly but hear and speak again without any aid. Genesis suddenly busted into laughter.

"Ahahahahahahahaha, finally I've regain my power. "

He continued to laugh with joy until MII put another headphone on his head. It was off same color of the last one but this one as a fancy G logo inside an upside down triangle on its display screen.Genesis suddenly realized this and tried removing it but it was stuck to his head.

" What the hell?! The damn thing won't come off "

" That's to keep you from going destroying the planet with your powers, That headphone is 10 times more durable than the last and it has built safety features so it won't be hacked like the last one plus you can use your powers up to level 7 "

Raphaela explain

" You damn witch ! why a headphone ?! do you know how hard it is to sleep with this thing on?! take it off this minute "

Genesis ask.

" i like headphones and thought you might like them "

" Well I don't, just because you were them doesn't me I have to huh ?! "

Genesis stopped when he noticed that Raphaela swinging around a choker on her index finger .

" If you don't want to wear the headphone you can always wear a choker hehehehehe "

Raphaela said, Genesis trembled in fear a little because of her friendly smile before he sits down again and kept his mouth shut. Chelsea was still in a dumbfounded state because the thought it would be impossible for him to regain his power and yet it happened so easily right before his eyes.

" What are those black wings earlier ?"

Toshiba ask.

" That's the expansion of GG EP energy field, it's so awesome right? I wish I had wing Hahahahaha "

" so what's your gain in all this? "

Chelsea aask Raphaela.

" To keep my GG safe and besides, "

She started to look seriously.

" The world is grave danger. The reason no other country has invaded it is because you were at the helm of the world but now they have chosen an Top A ranked Evolver as Top S ranked, well you can guess "

" The other countries want payback and in the process dominate this world "

Chelsea said.

" So you want me to become Top Dog again ?"

Genesis ask.

" Ugh no way, I would never ask that of my GG beside, they did this to you, I don't mind even if this continent crash and burn but that's wasn't my main concern, something big is coming that involves the whole world "

Raphaela last words send chills up Chelsea and Toshiba spine. It was if she's predicting that something will happen in the near future

" I have one question though, why did you send april to Genesis anyway? "

Chelsea ask.

" Well I just thought Genesis would make a create older brother to my sweet little april, Even thought aprils is my clone she is starting to develop her own unique personality and starting to experience new emotion such as that right my sweet little april ?"

Raphaela ask April a question with a deep voice. April started to blush and hug her teddybear as she looked away from Raphaela. She was pretty embarrassed about something and steal a glance at Genesis. Only Raphaela, Chelsea and Toshiba knows what that look is for.

" So are you going to stay in the country for long? "

Toshiba ask.

" Yeah, I think I'll stay for a little while and keep an eye on GG and April. Things are getting interesting here "

" Your the last person I want hanging around so you should go ahead and die "

Genesis said.

" Hahahahaha he doesn't really mean that "

They five of them continue to eat lunch and before they finished Raphaela and her AI MII vanished without a hint of goodbye. She left the bill for all these expensive food on Chelsea who didn't seem happy about it and so they decided to return home.

" That woman, she's still as obnoxious as she used to be "

she said.

" Well she has don't a lot for the world. Her technology saved us many times over. I can't believe someone that young is so highly gifted,"

Toshiba says praising Raphaela.

" Ha, don't be fooled by her appearances.The witch stopped her own cells from aging so she's older than she looks "

Genesis explains.

" Really, that's incredible "

" Yeah incredibly stupid "

Later that night Genesis sits on his bed and look at his hand profoundly. He gathered elements in the air and created a small blue flame in his hand. He once again wore his sadistic smile.

" The time for my revenge has finally come "

Genesis got up, walk to the door and open it. When he did Chelsea and Toshiba was there standing in his way.

" Where do you think your going Genesis? "

Chelsea ask.