Chapter 56

Both Chelsea and Toshiba confronted Genesis.

" Where do you think you're going Genesis? "

Chelsea ask.

" That's none of your business now get out of my way "

" You're going after Discharge aren't you ? We figured it would be the first thing you would do once you regain your powers "

Toshiba ask.

" Wow you're so clever, That's right I am going after Discharge and I'm going to make him pay for what he did to me "

Genesis walked passed the two of them but they insist on not letting him go.

" Genesis don't do this "

" Huuuuh? "

He stopped and look Chelsea in her eyes, The cold stare he was giving her send a chill up her spine but she stood her ground.

" If you go through this you'll be on the government radar once again You won't be able to live in peace again . It's better you let this go "

" Let this go you say ? 9 months, that's how long I've been hospitalized for. I couldn't walk, talk or even hear without the aide of some devices linked to my brain while he gets to live a luxurious life living that mansion surrounded by millions of dollars . I suffered because of him and now the time has come I won't allow him to live anymore. So for your own good I suggest you stay out of my way "

Genesis said.

" But what about April, You have her to think about remember, You have a good life with her . If you kill Discharge you'll be Jeopardizing that future ?, It's not to late to change your mind, Genesis it's not late to do the right thing "

Toshiba explains, Genesis remained silent because something in his heart was holding him back. He was frustrated by this new changes within in and all these changes revolved around April. However his chance of vengeance far outweigh his other desires.

" I'm sorry but you won't change my mind "

Genesis stomp his foot on the ground and the floor beneath Chelsea and Toshiba feet turned into quicksand. They sinked all the way to their ankles before the floor solidify again.

" I'm a villain, what kind of villain would I be if I didn't get some payback "

He turned and walk away.

" Genesis don't do this! "

Chelsea called out but he had arleady left. She was frustrated because her words didn't have any affect on him. The door open and April walked out with her teddybear in her hand and the expression on her face indicate that she's depressed.

" Will he go away again? "

She ask.

" Don't worry April "

Chelsea reassuring April.

In the meantime.

It was late and discharge walked out of the bathroom . He looked at the blond hair girl in his bed and smiled at her, she noticed his smile and she smiled back at him. They are about to make love and discharge went to grab a quick shower before that happen. Discharge crawled into bed and gave her a kiss

" I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, Are you ready? "

He ask seductively

" Fufufufu, ready whenever you are. Im sure the both of us are going to enjoy this, don't you agree ?"

" Yes I think so to "

The two of them started making out and ulimately, they made love. It was 11 am in the night and Discharge was sleeping. The window was open and cold air was blowing in. Discharge couldn't stand the cold air anymore so got out of bed and went to close the window when a voice called out.

" Hey Discharge, Fancy meeting you again "

Discharge turned around and saw Genesis sitting in a chair in the dark with a sinister smile and glowing left eye. Genesis got up and walked up to him and Discharge took a step back.

" G-Genesis what are you doing here, How are you still alive ?....No this is all a dream "

"Fufufahahaha, a dream you say ? No I'm afraid your wrong, I'm here in the flesh and I'm here for revenge. I've waited so long for this and now finally my dream has become reality "

" Ha ? If this isn't a dream then that shock to the brain as resulted in you losing your powers, You can no longer manipulate the laws of physics like you used to. I'm don't have to be afraid you. Face it Genesis I've surpass you, You're no longer the person I looked up to but someone I'm looking down in, like a ants on the ground "

Discharge said with confidence. Genesis didn't reply to him right away, he just casually scratched his head.

" You know I feel bad for you, so bad I could hush you like a baby. It's true that I suffered massive brain damage because of that I went through hell for 9 months but tell me do you think I would fallen that low you son of a bitch?! "

Genesis stomped his foot on the ground and cracked spread throughout the entire room. Discharge was shocked when he saw that happen, he had absolutely no idea that Genesis recovered his lost strength. Suddenly discharge received a punch square in the face that send him flying through the walls of the house and crash in the yard outside . Discharge sat him and spat out blood.

" No, This is is impossible, how could he have regained his powers. This is a dream it has to be huh? "

Discharge looked up and see genesis walking on the air like a staircase towards him. The smile on his face send chills up Discharge spine.

" How did you get your powers back, tell me? "

" A real son of a bitch villain never stays down and unfortunately for you, you've mess with the wrong villain "

Genesis continue to walk up to discharge who clad his body into electricity and fly off in the sky.

" Running away, Now your making this interesting for me Hahahahahahahahahaha "

Genesis tapped his foot in the ground and fly after him. While flying discharge kept looking around behimd him.

- I have to get away, I have to -

Suddenly his leg was grabbed by Genesis and he was throws down to the to a mountain that was below. Discharge slammed into some rocks and coughed up some blood because of the impact . He looked up because he heard laughter and quickly jumped away as Genesis came flying in foot first. Like a power meteorite he ended up sending cracks through the entire mountain destroyed it .

Discharge produces a large amount of lightning and strike at Genesis but it was reflected back at him. Discharge looked at the cut on his cheek and started to panick.

" G-Genesis my friend, it seems we got on a the wrong foot, I'm sure you have a lot of things to say so why don't we sit down and talk about this "

Discharge said nervously backing away. Genesis didn't listen though as he gave a kick to Discharge stomach bending him into a perfect C. He was send flying through the air until he crashed into 208th floor of a sky scrapers. Those were in the office ran out of fast as they could when they saw a man clad of lightning flying in. Discharge got on his hand and knees coughed out a large amount of blood and the lightning on his body decipates. Genesis arrived and stomp his foot hard on Discharge back then ripped his left leg clean off.


Discharge screamed in pain but Genesis was displayed his anger. He looked around and noticed that there was a shotgun behind a shelf. Genesis walked over to it and take out the gun while Discharge was crawling away. Genesis check and found four bullets inside and smiled.

" Nine months, Nine whole moths I've been inside that hospital suffering all because of you while your here enjoy life and this world top dog fufufufu, Thinking about it makes me laugh I mean who knew I would end up falling for your plan "

Genesis stepped on discharge back and pulled the trigger blowing off discharge left hand. The blood splash on Genesis face and he laughed with insanity while discharge screamed in pain and pissed himself.

" hehehehehe I've waited so long for this answer this question, why is killing with guns so much fun, it's like the perfect brush to create art and youll make the greatest masterpiece ! hehehehe ahahahahah"

Genesis laughed insanely as he pointing his gun at discharge head. Discharge on the other hand was bawling like a child while bleeding from his left arm and leg. The pain he's enduring was immense even for one person.

" Huh? Your crying, if you worried about this little pain then wait until I see what's in store for you, I'm going to do the same thing you did to me you son of a bitch "

Genesis pulled the trigger again and shot off Discharge right arm, he pulled the trigger again and shot discharge in his right leg.


" there is one more bullet guess where it's going next "

Suddenly Genesis phone vibrates in his pocket and he looked at it. There was call from apeil and he was suprised. He stopped what he was doing and answered it.

>> Oh you picked up <<

" What do you want ?"

>> April got worried, she wants to know if your coming home? <<

Suddenly Genesis emotions started to stir up again. His heart skip a beat again and he himself started to worry.

- Again ? Damn it, what's gotten into me?! -

Genesis hold his chest where his heart that was beating fast. He calmed down and closed his eyes.

" I'll be there soon. now go to sleep "

>> Yaay, april will be waiting bye <<

April hangs up and Genesis stood there with his gun point at Discharge head. He was frustrated because his emotions have been quell because of her.

- what the hell is happening to me, my heart is always racing whenever I hear that's kid's voice-

" Grrrrrrrr !"

Genesis looked at Discharge and no matter who much he would want to kill the trigger something keeps holding his back. Ultimately he put the gun down.

" Tch... No, I won't do it, I won't kill you "

He said.