Chapter 61

Overheat was laying on the ground unconscious. A walker droplet fall on his cheek and open his eyes wide open and jumped up as fast as he could. Overheat started producing flame from his body

" I'm not through with you yet frosty.. Huh ?? "

He looked around and found himself standing in the old hideout. He noticed terabyte who is sitting on the boxed of robot parts.

" The old hideout? What are we doing here ? Wait ! Why am I even here, wasn't I fighting "

He ask.

"The answer to why are we here is because we are getting the gang back together and as to why you're here is because we brought you here after you got the sh*t beaten out of you "

Terabyte said.

" I didn't got beaten up, well technically I did but that moment I was only guard off guard, if I had the change to use my trump card I would have definitely win... hold up by we do you mean you and LockJaw? "

" No by we I mean Genesis and I "

" Genesis, Isn't he in the hospital after Discharge betrayed him and betrayed us. "

" Wow, You really are stupid, time keeps going but you remain stuck in the past. Genesis is out of the hospital and Discharge is hospitalized after having his arms and leg ripped off "

" Brutal! "

In the meantime,

Purshion was standing before a water fountain and looking the fishes inside. She dipped her hand in the water and caught a goldfish. She was about to put in her mouth when someone grabbed her around the hood of her jacket and caused the fish to slip from her grip and back into the water. Purshion cried like a cat in until she noticed that the one holding her is LockJaw.

" Meow? "

" Let's go, we have a job to do "

" Meeeeoooww "

Purshion didn't seem to be too happy because she was hungry and he caused her to loose her meal. The next day at a primary schools a black Mercedes just dropped off David at the schools.

" I'll see you later David "

His mother waved goodbye as she drives away and David watched as his mother's car disappeared into the distance. He noticed a blue Maclaren parked a distance away and then he noticed terabyte sitting in the drivers seat. David decided to walked over to the car and talk to her.

" What are you doing here, you're supposed to be a wanted criminal remember ? "

He ask.

" That's what I would want to know, There is a job coming up and the old team is back together, so you interested "

" Yes "

" Woah that was quick. Are you sure your mother is going to be okay, I mean you did run away last time "

" She's busy with work and doesn't come home until it's late, So what's the point in stating home alone with a helper that does everything you say "

David walked around to the passenger seat and got into the car the put on his seatbelt on.

" So where we going? "

He ask.

" Back to the old hideout "

" But hasn't the military raided that place already "

" Yeah that's why they won't look for us there, I'm sure things will be a little different this time and a little more exciting, that's what Genesis said anyways "

" Genesis, he's involved in this ? Wasn't he crippled and powerless"

" Yeah but he got out of hospital some time.... wait ! Why am I engaging in conversation with a kid anyways "

" How should I know? "

" Forget it, let's go anyways "

Terabyte started the car and drives off.

In the meantime

Genesis finished packing April's back and walked into the living room. He throw the bag in her lap, she was confused as to why her clothes was inside the back but Genesis didn't give her an answer immediately, He turned and headed for the door.

" Let's go "

He said.

" Where are you two going ? "

Toshiba ask.

" The kid and I are going to stay out for a few days "

" Why, is something wrong ? "

" That's none of your concern at the moment "

" It is my concern, I hope you're not getting into any trouble "

" Tch if you're that worried about her then it's not. I'm just taking the kid some were with me hey let's go kid "

" Okay, April will be back in a few days. "

Genesis and April left leaving Toshiba wondering what that was all about. She looked through the window and watch as Genesis opens the door for April and he got into the car and left. As they drive April smiled as he looked at Genesis.

" Where are we going? "

" Somewhere quiet for a while "

" You mean you and April "

" Yes "

April started to blush as she tapped her index fingers together. The two of them drove to hideout, Genesis parked his car at the back of the factor and heard the sound of a spacecraft descending. April hold onto Genesis arm as she watched the jet sized ship landed. The hatch open and Artemis got out and April clenched Genesis arm tighter as she looked up at the very tall woman

" Woah, She's big "

April said. Artemis noticed April and quickly saluted her.

" Greeting crea..oh I mean Lady April "

" How do you know April's name? "

" I.. I..."

Artemis didn't know what to do, she couldn't lie to her creator even thought Aprils hasn't created her yet.

" I told her "

Genesis said.

" Really ? "

" Yes, now let's go the others are waiting "

Genesis, April and Artemis walked I to the factory to met the others. All was presented and all kept looking at the woman standing behind Genesis. Her height and aura filled them with awe.

" Genesis who is she. Don't tell she's another member of your little heram "

Terabyte ask.

" I'm about to get to that but first, Nightshade get down here "

Genesis called out angrily. Nightshade descended down from about on some vines and flowers. She kept laughing seductively as she walk up to him.

" You called? "

" Now we can talk, I'm not best suited for explaining a situation and so I'll leave Artemis here to explain.

Genesis stood aside and allowed Artemis to step forward.

" Greeting I am unit number 300045 last index , I'm combat class Android Type Alpha Artemis and I was purposely send here from the future "

" From the future?! "

The news shocked them all, never have try expected that they would meeting and Android from the Future. They soon quiet down and listened to what Artemis had to say.

" I can't disclose any vital information about the future but I am authoritized to tell you this much. In my future the world in Choas as human is pushed to the brink of extinction by machine called Tinarians and ruling these machines is one known as The Dark Neptune "

" The Dark Neptune? "

" What is a Dark Neptune

They were confused by this name and so Genesis explained it for them.

" The dark Neptune is an AI created by Raphaela Xavier and it's former name is MII"

" Wait Raphaela Xavier is still alive? "

Terabyte ask.

" Yes, she had or has an AI that she has personall created. That AI is ten times better than the world's fastest supercomputer. However, the AI learned humans emotion and after its creator lost her life to a human it became corrupted after it lost control and decided to take revenge on humanity. I have been send by my creator here from the future to stop the human race to be pushed to the brink of extinction "

Artemis said.

"And so you need our help to stop Raphaela from dying, Stop an AI from Becooing Evil while fighting a bunch of Crazy strong robots from the future ?"

Overheat ask.

" Yes "

Overheat liked the idea and slammed his fist against the palm of his hand.

" This sounds like a lot of fun, We can be the heroes who save the world, I don't know about you guys but that sounds awesome to me "

He said.

"But there is one thing, how are we going to find Raphaela? "

Terabyte ask.

" You don't find her, she finds you. That witch has an habit of popping up on people when they least expect so we just have to wait until she shows up. In the meantime we just have to kill some time travellers in the mean, sounds fun right "

Genesis smiled sadistically

In the meantime.

Another space-time portal open in the middle of the streets and 4 Android walked out of it. They had humanoid body like transformers. One of the Android scan the surrounding and found humans in it's way.

<< Human lifeforms detected >>

" Hey move your *ss put of the road "

Shout a driver blowing his horn at them. One of the Android fire a lazer from his gun and puncture a hole through the windshield. Everyone started to scream and run the opposite direction as the robot's fired repeated and massacring everyone in the streets.

<< Carrying out prime mission, Exterminate all human lifeforms >>