Chapter 62

The Android 's continued to wraek havoc in the city. Firing their highpowers weapons they easily killed hundreds of humans.Nobody within their sights was spared, No woman, children nor the elderly. The US Army soon arrived on the scene with Tanks and Fighter jets and they fire at the Androids. They didn't dodge the incoming attacks instead they allowed it to strike them.

" Target has been destroyed... What the?!"

The jet pilots was surprised to see the robot's walking out of the explosion unscathed. Not only does the Andriods have high-powered weapons but bodies made of very powerful metal. Genesis , lockjaw , Nightshade, Overheat and Artemis was on the location and they watched as the US Army being pushed back by 4 Andriods.

" The Tinarian body are made of Tritanium a metal that was invented by Raphaela and 2 times stronger than Titanium "

Artemis explain.

" Why am I not suprised that she would create another Mess. As much as I would like to see the US Army being crushed under foot. We have to go down there and great out Time Travelling guest "

As genesis was about to take a step someone flies passed them at very high speed. It was Ultimate in a silver armor as swooping into punch of the Andriod far away. Kiva and a few other people with new faces arrived to combat the Androids .

" Well now the heroes have arrive, this is interesting "

Genesis said with a smile.

" Aren't we going down there? "

Overheat ask.

" And spoil the fun, Let them take care of the Tinarians while we gather data on our enemies. This is a bad plan don't you agree? "

Genesis replied. Ultimate deliver punches to the Androids face then used his magnetism to send it flying back. Using her Physcokenesis Kiva lift two of the Andriods high into the air and called out a blue haired woman who raised both of her hand and freeze the two Andriod solid.

The last Androids is being pushed back by a brown skinned girl who can manipulate water. She engulf the Andriod in water and tried to fry their electrical circuits.

" Juliana, why is she here? "

Nightshade ask looking at the girl who control water.

" You know her ?"

" Yes, she lived with me back at the orphanage when we were younger "

" You used to live in an orphanage? "

Overheat was shocked hearing this news.

" Something isn't right "

Genesis realize something as he watched the Androids being beaten up by ultimate and the others. Not one of the Androids have made a move so far they just allowed themselves to be beaten up.

" They are scanning their opponents abilities and when that happens "

As Artemis spoke the androids made a move, the ones in the blocks of Ice break free and the ones in water escaped.

<< Analysis Complete >>

Suddenly the unexpected happened, the Androids used water manipulation against Juliana and soon the others started to use their opponents abilities against them.

" So they can analyze their opponents and copy their abilities plus they have tough body , I can now see why humanity is on the verge of going extinct "

Genesis said.

Ultimate tried using his magnetic powers against the Androids he's facing but it didn't work anymore. Suddenly the Android raised its hand and controlled two cars then slammed them against Ultimate's body. He started to wobble a little because he suffered a hit to the head.

<< Seize your futile resistance humans. Your destruction is inevitable >>

The Android grabbed Ulimate around his neck and started to strangle him.

" You let him go "

Kiva flew to his side but she remains frozen in the air. The Android she is facing displayed it's physcokenetic power and send her flying into a skyscraper. The woman with the ice ability was also at a disadvantage because the Android shes facing aslo display Ice powers and The girl called Juliana is also trying to fend off the attacks of her opponent using a water shield.

" This is pathetic "

Genesis stood to his feet.

" They need our assistance, what are your orders? "

Artemis ask Genesis.

" I'll handle this on my own "

" But you don't have your powers, how are you going to handle this ? "

Overheat ask.

" Hahahahahahahahahaha, Who says I don't ?"

Genesis ask while smiling sadistically at overheat then tapped his foot on ground and flew off into the air. Overheat and LockJaw was suprised to see him displaying his powers. Terabyte was aslo suprised as she sat around the computer watching.

" How did he? "

She looked at April who was by herside smiling cheerfully as she watched the fight. Genesis laughed and he descended from the sky with a powerful heel kick to the head of the Android that was about to Ultimate. The force of his kick caused the street to be destroyed. Ultimate and the others didn't see him flying in and everyone stopped and silent watch the dust cleared away.

Genesis was standing before them with on foot on the head of Android who is stuck into the ground up to its shoulder. Genesis removed his right hand from in his pockets and cracked his middle finger. He greeted everyone with a sadistic smile on his face.

" Genesis ! But how? "

Ultimate was shocked to see him.

<< New Target located, Subject Human Male threat level S >>

All the Android turned to him because they saw him as a bigger threat that the others. Soon they all approach him but Genesis didn't mind, he wanted it that way from the beginning.

" Hahahaha you sons of bitches sure are having fun fine.. mind if I play with you Hahahahaha "

Genesis kicked off the head of the Android beneath his feet like a football and at supersonic speed the head started to become super hot. Like arrow through fog the head puncture a massive hole into the chest of the three Android at once. The three short circuited out and collapsed to the ground

" Incredible, he took out three at once "

Artemis though to herself.

" Fufufufu, for my love that is easy "

Nightshade started to feel a little pride and aslo a little aroused by his sadistic personally. Ulimate and the others was still in disbelief, the same Andriod that were proving to be a challenge for them he easily took them down.

" Tch, it's over already, damn I expect more, Fighting a bunch of strap metal isn't fun as I thought "

Genesis kicked the Android at his feet repeatedly.

" Genesis, you saved us today,Thank you for that "

Ulimate smile as he hold out his hand to shake Genesis.

" Tch "

Genesis ignore his handshake and pulled the androids out of the ground. He dragged it over to the other three and take them up as well.

" Terabyte, send in the drone "

>> Roger <<

Soon a blue drone arrived and picked up the Androids and take them away. The army wasn't please with this and so their leader approach him.

" I'm sorry but I can't let you take , Those Android attack and harm civilians who knows when this will happen again so we would like you to hand those over so we can study them and prevent something like that again "

He said.

" Yo dog, I suggest you f*ck off while I'm in a good mood, if you get in my way a few scrap metals will be the least of your problems "

Genesis said as he looked at the solider coldly.

" Let's just talk this out, there is no reason to fight. Genesis mind explaining what those things was, why are they here, where do they come from, what do they want? Tell me everything "

Ask Ultimate.

" You're acting like a B*tch and it's pissing me off. Listen superman the only reason I saved your sorry *ss is to repay the debt I owe you and now that it's been relayed. I'm not obligated to tell you anything "

Genesis turn and walk away.

" Genesis, stop right there Genesis "

Ultimate called out to him but he was already gone. He was really concerned about what is going on.

" I have to get to the bottom of this "

He said to himself and after that he decided to pay a visit to Dr Chelsea. She was about to get into her car and left when he landed behind her.

" Dr Chelsea "

" Oh my goodness, Oh Mr Ultimate you startled me "

"I'm sorry but there are some questions, I would like to ask you, Its about Genesis "

Chelsea wasn't suprise because once she heard that Genesis took April and left Toshiba apartment, She knew there was going to be something involving the two of them.

" Okay ask away "

" Genesis' powers "

" Ah, so you want to know how he regained them. To be honest, even I don't know the answer to that question "

Chelsea said picturing back to the day when that happened and the wings that grew out of Genesis back.

- It's not like I can tell them that Raphaela created a nanogen that repair the damage done to Genesis and help him regain his powers, it wouldn't be global Choas of I did -

She thought to herself.

" Yes but there something going on in the city and Genesis is in the center of it all. Do you know what he's planning right now? "

Ultimate ask.

" I'm sorry but I honestly don't know anything, as you've already know Genesis is my patient but even he doesn't open up to me much "

" I see, well do you have anyway I can get into contact with him "

" Is this necessary ?"

Chelsea ask.

" Yes "

" Alright, I'll give you his contact number. If he answers it then you'll get what you need, "

So Chelsea decided to give him Genesis number and afterwards ultimate left. Chelsea look up in the air and watch him flying away into the dark night.

" Another drama, oh well "

Chelsea got in the car and left.