Chapter 63

Terabyte examined the body of one of the Android that was brought back. She was amazing by it structure and it's capabilities.

" This thing has so much technology that I could use. It's a shame I can't hack this thing "

In the meantime the others was sitting on the boxed doing nothing. It is late so April went to sleep in Genesis room while David went to sleep in other. During this time overheat decided to ask Artemis questions.

" So if you're from the future can you tell me about my future. Do I live in a multi-million dollar house with 10 sports cars and a pool full with hot babes "

Overheat ask excited about the idea.

" I'm unauthorized to discuss about the future "

" Come on, You told us that humanity is.. Wait? If humanity is close to an apocalypse then that means I'm not going to live in a Multi-million dollar house with 10 sports car and pool full of hot babes, Awwww man "

Overheat walked away in disappointed. Purshion casually walk up to up the Genesis purring like a real cat, He got irritated and throw her again in a box filled with robot part. Suddenly his phone rings and the caller is unknown. Genesis got up and went aside to answer it.

" Who the f*ck is calling me and what do you want? "

>> It's me Ulimate, We need to talk Genesis <<

Genesis was suprised to hear his voice on the phone and got very irritated.

" How did you get my number ? "

>> That's not important right now, We need to talk right now so I'll see you at park at the top of the hill <<

He hang up his phone on Genesis and he felt insulted by this.

" Son of a whore wants to give me orders, fine I'll play along"

Genesis got into his car and sped off. Within 12 minutes he reached the park that was empty at night except for Ultimate who is there waiting for him. Genesis got out of the car and walk up to Ulimate.

" You got a lot of nerve calling me out like this, Maybe in our last fight you didn't learn to respect your superior "

" I didn't call you for a fight Genesis I just want to know the truth about what's going who are those terrorist "

" Tch, and you expecte to tell you about this. What are you going to do anyways? You couldn't stop one of those Androids so why insist on playing hero "

" I didnt do this for the fame or glory. I did this because I wanted to help people "

Ultimate said, Genesis was irritated by his goody goody attitude and in his mind he was beating Ultimate to a bloody pulp and shooting him mercilessly with a smile on his face .

" Tch, so you called me out here because you want piece of the action. Fine I'll tell you this much, Those Android aren't any terroist but instead Timetravellers "

" Time Travellers ? "

" 50 years into the future human is close to their extinction and an Android from the future was sent here to change change history, those Android are here to stop her "

" Why are they here?! "

" They are here for Raphaela Xavier "

" Raphaela Xavier is dead why would they need her body? "

" Tch, you know you're really stupid, don't believe everything you see on the news . Raphaela isn't dead she was hiding all along "

" She's alive, Then we need to find her and protect not only her but our fellow humans.We can't do this alone Genesis please lend us you're strength to save the world "

" F*ck off ! "

Genesis said as he walked away.

" The last thing i need is fighting alongside some do-gooders, You'll only get in my way and trust me you won't want that to happen "

He got in his car and as he was going to drive off his car didn't move from the spot. It was like something was holding it in place and that's exactly what's happening. Ultimate used his ability on Genesis car and refuses to let him leave.

Genesis stopped his car and got out once again.

" You know you're starting to get on my nerves "

" This isn't a fight you can just walk away from Genesis. This is a fight to protect our world and you're going to sit back and let it be destroyed.

Ultimate ask.

" Hahahahahahahahahaha, Wow you are an idiot you know that Hehehehehehehe. A villian could care less what happens to the world, this world has given me a lot of problems so it being destroyed is a major improvement. Humans are weak and will do anything to cling to power, they think that earth is the center of the universe but it's not. The government think of themselves as gods and evolvers are nothing but their pawn.I am Genesis, the strongest Evolver in the world, I'm free to do anything and wether I want to save this planet or not is up to me "

Genesis said.

" You know, I thought that time you spend in the hospital would have taught you to care about others but it seems I was wrong, you're right all along Genesis you are irredeemable "

Ultimate turned and walk away.

" Tch, you can say whatever you want but I'll tell you one thing. I've stained my hands with innocent blood and because of that I'm irredeemable. I may be a villian but even I'm not heartless to watch the world gets destroyed.

" But you just said.....

"I know what I said, all I'm saying is this is a fight you can't win, so If I were you I'll sit back and stay out of my way unless you want to get your *ss killed "

" I can't sit by and do nothing "

" Then fine, if you want to die be my guest "

Genesis return to his car and drives off leaving Ultimate standing there. While driving Genesis is thinking about what Ultimate said.

" Tch, what does he know about me. Bunch of do-gooders "

He stepped on the gas pedal and speeds up.

In the meantime.

" So these invader you don't know who they are and where try come from? These machines appeared in the middle of the city and started killing every citizen in sight and you're telling me you got nothing "

" I'm sorry general, unfortunately we didn't got any information because of the Top S ranked "

" What nonsense are you talking about Discharge his hospitalized because him pronounced brain dead. He can walk, talk, hear or even move again. It's funny because that's the same thing that happened to Genesis "

Granger said but the news wasn't over.

" Sir I head to say but I'm not talking about Discharge sir, I'm talking about the former top ranked evolver Genesis "

" Huh but What does this have to do with him? "

" Well, he has regained his lost powers "

" What?! but that's impossible ! "

General Granger shouts as he got the most shocking news of his life. Genesis had regained his lost powers and that sparked fear into his heart because he was also responsible for what happened to Genesis.

" Yes sir, we have witnessed the battle and saw him used his abilities, we even have a video footage of the battle "

The solider showed General Granger the video and watched everything. He couldn't stop shaking as he watched the video.

" Dear god, how is this even possible ? Leave now and get me the president on the phone "

" Yes sir "

In the meantime.

Another space-time portal open in a back alley and two Android walked out.

<< Running analysis, We have returned to the year of 2032 >>

<< We shall carry out the orders of the Dark Neptune >>

" Yo check this out "

The androids turned around and saw a group of three boys and 1 girl standing behind them. One of the boys and the girl is white while the other two boys black and they seemed to be smoking before the Android appeared.

" Yo, it's one of em robots you see on TV the ones that massacred all those people "

Said one of the black boys.

" yeah it seems, I can make good dough on the two of them "

The white boy with the Roman numeral IV tattooed his left eye stepped forward and takes a puff of his cigarette.

" Now listen, from now you machines belong to me, do you feel me? "

As he spoke a hand went through his chest. He didn't see that attack coming all he could feel now is his life slipping away. The other three saw this and before they could scream they were decapitated by the other Android.

<< Scanning Genetic Data...Scan Complete >>

<< Scanning Genetic Data... Scan Complete >>

The two robots started taking on the appearance of the blond haired boy with the IV tattoo and a black male with cornrows. The walked out of the back alleys and looked around and noticed a man driving a Cadillac SUV. The Android that's disguise as the black male walked over to him and the place it's hand on his shoulder.

" Huh, yo man what do you want? "

Before he got a response the Android throw him far away. They got into his car and drove it off into traffic.