Chapter 64

Three days has passed and there hasn't been any new development about Tinarian, so far that haven't made of their cruel attacks as of yet. This made Genesis and the others got a little impatient because the wanted to get everything over with . He open a can of soda as he sits on the hood of his car waiting for Terabyte to finish doing the analysis of those androids. He looked up at the sun thinking about the future, Even he doesn't fully understand how time works and he couldn't get that future April out of his head. April walked out of the warehouse fully dress.

" Oh hey, * Achoo * "

April sneezed twitch and rub her nose. Genesis was a little stunned because he realized that she has caught a cold. Sleeping on the hard bed and in the cold room of the factory she was bound to catch a cold sooner or later.

" Tch, Get in the car "

" Why where are we going?! "

" Just do as I say "

So they both got into the car and Genesis drove back to the city. During the travel April kept coughing and sneezing continue, Genesis kept looking at her as he drives. Soon they arrived in the city and Genesis parked in front of a pharmacy and told her to wait in the car. Genesis walked into the pharmacy and look around for medicine suitable for child. Ultimately, he found the right one on the shelf and bought a whole bag full of medicine before returning to the car.

" Here, take these "

Genesis throw the bag in her lap, April takes two of the pills and wash it down with a bottle of water. She was starting to feel a lot better and she thanked him with a smile on her face.

" Tch, you're in my care, can't have you getting sick on "

Genesis realize that April was paying no attention to him, her attention was focused on the amusement park being advertised on a digital billboard.

" AAAAAAH, April has a great idea let's go to the amusement park "

" Forget it, I'm not going back to such a place...ugh "

Genesis notice that April was giving him her puppy dog eyes again. Nobody could resist those eyes but unfortunately for her those eyes doesn't work on Genesis.

" I've told you I'm not going there, my decision is final "

" Mmmmmmmm, meanie "

April fold her arms and continue to pout.Suddenly Genesis phone rings and he look at it, the caller was Terabyte

" Did you find anything? "

>> More than anything. These Android have crazy high specs, I would say they're like transformers with the strength of an A ranked Evolver Unfortunately I wasn't able to fully hack their system but I've got some recording that sounds pretty weird, listen to this <<

Terabyte listen to the high pitched frequency through his phone. It fluctuates from low pitch to high pitch every second.

" Can you translate that frequency and see if it hold any information "

>> I'll see what I can do, oh by the way, there is one thing I've found about the Androids, they are able to disguise themself as regular humans, You should be careful, Artemis is heading over to help you <<

" Fine "

Genesis hangs up the phone.

- Androids disguised as humans if that's the case why am I sitting here then? -

" Hey kid, you wanted to go to the amusement park right? "

Genesis ask.

" April changed her mind, she doesn't want to go anymore "

" Well I'm going and you're coming with me "

Genesis drove to the amusement park with April. Together they decided to spend the day with eachother. April was happy about that but Genesis had different agenda, He's hoping that he would use himself as bait and draw the enemy out.

" Let's go on there "

April points at the merry go round.

" You go ahead, "

" Are you sure ?"

" Yes "

April went on the merry go round while Genesis stand and watch her passby on the horse. She smiles and ways at him each times he passed. April went on other rides and for the entire time Genesis kept looking around if he sees anybody suspicious. After that April wanted to go on the roller coaster but she was too young to qualify.

" April is dissapointed, where do you want to go next? "

She ask Genesis.

" I'm fine here you can go on any ride you want "

" April thinks this won't be much fun without you.. Hm ? "

The haunted house caught April's eyes so she wanted to go in, She was very excited but the moment she got in she was scared. The haunted house was too scary and had a graveyard setting with mist at their feets, thundercloud above their head and of course graves.

" Eeeeeehh, April started thinking this was a bad idea, Can we go now? "

April ask while clinging to Genesis arm.

" Tch, you wanted to do this so we are here and besides, Why are you even scared you were brave enough to face me when I lost control and was about to destroy the city "

" Well, that was different huh ?! "

April saw a coffin on the ground that was slowly being opened from the inside and suddenly the hand of the corpse came sticking out if it. April yelp and quickly hide behind Genesis. The zombie crawl out of the coffin with the lower half of its body gone and one of it's eyeball handing out of its socket. April kept getting paler and paler as the zombie kept crawling closer but only Genesis remained unfazed.

" I've seen more corpses than living people in my life so compared to them you are nothing "

Genesis stepped on the head of the zombie and what flies out of its skull was bits of wires and metal. April was relieved to see it was destroyed and suddenly two arms from inside the dark reached out to her from behind

" As I suspected, a robot. Tch it's what you deserve for causing me so much trouble you little... Hm "

Genesis looked around and April was nowhere around.

" The kid go scared that she ran away "

He walked out of the haunted house and looked around for her. Genesis looked through the crowds and she wasn't hiding in them.

" Where did the kid go? "

Genesis returned to his car and April wasn't there either so he decided to call her phone and she wasn't picking up. Genesis was furious because this is the third time he had to walk around and look for her. Suddenly a helicopter flies over Genesis head and over 20 military tankers as well as fully armored truck all arrived on the scene.

" Hm ? "

Genesis stood by his car and watch as he was surrounded by the US Army. People started to panick and cleared the area as fast as they could. The door to one of the heavy duty trucks open and General Granger walked out of it. He walked passed as his soldier and up to Genesis.

" Genesis, I'm going to need you to come with me right now "

" Tch, it's seems you're become senile in your old age old man. if I recalled correctly I wanted nothing to do with you "

" You can't refuse because this was an order given to me by The President of the United States Of America "

Hearing that this order came from the president Genesis wasn't suprised. From he made his reappearance a few days ago he knew that he would be called out again, Never expected that this would come from the President himself. Genesis started getting angry and close the door to his car before he walked up to the General Granger.

" You guys sure don't know when to quit can't you, right now I'm a very sh**ty mood so I get lost become destroy you "

Genesis said, General Granger walked up to him and stand before him face to face.

" Boy I've been very polite to you, You should respect your elders, We are facing a threat and you're the only one who knows what's going on. The government is asking to return and you will obey us, I've been like a father to you, So come with....."

Genesis shot the him in both of his legs and as the army was about to open fire General Granger told them to stop.

"Can't you see I'm still here are you planning to kill me ?"

He ask them, Genesis then kicked the General In his face knocking most of his teeths out then walked up to the General and ripped one of his eyes out of its socket.

" Don't worry they won't kill you, I will, don't think I've forgotten that you're aslo responsible for making me hospitalize, I'm going to make your life miserable do you her me General "

Genesis started smiling sadistically

" Don't worry you'll live I'm going to do to you the same thing I did to Discharge "

He said,

The General could talk because his jaw was shattered but his mind was still working and he had a feeling Genesis was responsible. Suddenly Genesis phone rings and he look at the number, it was from April's phone.

" You've got some nerve calling after you ran away, where are you "

>> If you want to know come and find us <<

Genesis was suprised to hear that the person on the other side of that phone wasn't April but a male adult.

" Who the fuck are you?! "

He as with a murderous look in his eyes.

>> As I said if you want to know, you'll have to find us <<