Chapter 66

" The dark ore is a ore formed from highly condense stardust particles formed once every million years. One of these Dark ores drifted to earth and After it exploded it's particles was absorbed into the human bodies and alter the humans DNA giving them special powers. However not all of it was turning into dust,there are still shards that remained "

Artemis explain.

" We all know this much so might as well get to the point "


" Because the human body contains the dark ore particles embedded in their DNA, by coming it contact with another Dark Ore it will connect with eachother. "

" So are you saying by getting hit by weapon made of dark ore we can be goners, likes Superman's weakness of Kryptonite ? "

Overheat ask.

" Yes, however there are cases where Evolvers can still use their abilities while in contact with it. The dark Neptune has many soldiers with Dark Ore built into their body. It's the reason why humanity was defenseless when they took over the world and Its probably the reason why sir Genesis powers failed because that Android probably has dark ore Inside its arms.Chances are that it might be an hunter send here to kill you "

Artemis explain. Genesis started to remember what happened and all of made sense to him.

" Tch, things are getting more easy to understand but that still doesn't explain why the kid hasn't wake up yet "

He said

" We've run full diagnostic on her and found nothing out of the ordinary. She's perfect fine "

Terabyte said.

" Tch, if the kid was fine then she wouldn't be in a deep sleep, at any rate this dark ore is going to be a nuisance, Artemis mind telling us about where the Dark Ore is hiding in this world? "

Genesis ask.

Artemis explain to them that there is a shard inside a lab in the tundra of Antarctica while the is in the hands of the S ranked of Africa, Merona the Beast Queen.

" Tch, So one in Winter's domain and the other in the hands of Merona, So ultimately we have to sneak in the another continent to get it, worst of all it's Two S ranked we are up against "

Terabyte bite her lolipop and chew it.

" Actually that doesn't sound bad facing with two S ranked "

Overheat said.

" Tch, you're a fool, Winter has the ability to manipulate Ice on a continental scale and worst of all she lacks emotions. Did you know that once a country declared war on her and she turned it into ice, woman children and even the elderly. Nobody was spared, nobody. Merona The Beast Queen has the ability to not only control animals but mimic their greatest attributes. S ranked can protect the continent the reside in but we can aslo be it's destruction. So don't think that S ranked are not to be trifled with and can destroy you with a flick of a wrist and you so should know that by now "

Genesis stood before Overheat and looked at him intensely. For the first time he felt chills up his spine.

" Yeah my bad, I guess I got a little too excited "

Overheat said.

" Winter is the 4th S ranked so I'll handle her while the rest of you can take care of Merona who is the 8th "

Genesis suggest A few days later they were set to go out. Genesis, Zero and Purshion was going to take care of winter while Overheat, Terabyte and LockJaw was going to Egypt to Merona.

" Awwww, why do i have to stay? "

" Because I'll said so "

Nightshade continue to pout as she wanted to go with Genesis. She and Artemis was left to guard April who was still in a deep sleep. Genesis then approach terabyte who has finished packing the jeep.

" We need to talk "

He said, They both went aside to discuss something in private.

" What's up Genesis? "

" When you go to Egypt keep an eye on Merona, I heard she has a nasty habit of seducing men and making them into her playthings. Overheat might become a liability if he fall under her control so watch out "

" Sure "

The six department and headed in opposite directions to different airport and within 12 hours of traveling by plane Genesis, Zero and Purshion arrived in Antarctica.Genesis was dressed in a full black clothes and a parkour with sky-blue fur lining while the others was dressed up in boots and scarfs .Purshion fall Into the snow and swing her arms and feet to create a snow angel. Genesis tap his feet on the snow and create an force under Purshion back blowing her sky high into the air.


" This is the time to play around pest, let's get a move on "

The three of them rented hummer to carry them over the snowy plain.

" How long before we get there? "

Zero ask.

" It will take us a few hours to get to the place. If you have second thoughts not is your chance to turn tail and run"

Genesis said.

" Who said anything about running ?"

Suddenly lazer was fired at the hummer Genesis was driving. The car spiral out of control until it came to a stop. A large shadow covered the area and Genesis got out to go a closed look. In the sky was spacecraft six times the size of a the words biggest cargo ship.

" What is that?! "

Zero ask.

" Kehehehehehe, my guess the future visitors wants to stand in our way , now things are getting interesting "

The ship fired of another beam hiding the hummer that exploded afterwards. Genesis and the other looked at the burning hummer until Purshion shout.

" Crap we are going to die! We are going to die! "

She started cursing expletives at the ship for destroying the car that caught Genesis and Zero completely off guard

" Eh?! "

" Huh? "

They looked at her intensely, Purshion noticed their gazed and covered her mouth.

" I mean, Meow "

" You disgusting B*tch you could talk as this time so why didn't you talk instead of meowing like pussycat "

Genesis continue to yell at purshion and all she could hear his him barking like a dog. Zero points out that something was coming and they looked up. A door in the ship open and a dozen smaller ones came through it.

" Nobody move, I'll take care of these scrapers heap myself "

Genesis flew off into the air and straight through the one the smaller crafts. He laughed as he was holding the head for the Android that was piloting it. In the blink of an eye he continued to zigzag through them all and suddenly the larger size fired off a highly concentrated nuclear beam at Genesis.

" Hahahahah, you can do better than that "

Genesis punched away the beam that sliced through the ice and easily slice through a mountain, Literally. He flew off into the air and straight into the ship. Soon as he was onboard the ship he was greeted by fire from the Android. Genesis continue to massacre through the ship until he reached command deck. He kicked down the door and walked in only to be greatly by rapid fire from all of the Android.

He casually stood there until he sees the commander of the ship. An Android with a female shaped body and wires as her dreadlocks, her eyes was a red digital scanner and she was as tall as Artemis. She told her men to seize fire before she stood up and to address Genesis.

<< You must be Genesis, the world's greatest evolver, my name is D-12 created by the.....>>

" I don't come here to play meet and greet with you, I'm came here to to annihilation all you "

<< Patient, We already know you have great strength and I would like to make a proposal. Join us, Our leader rules the universe and all its content, If you come to our side we will not only give you the earth to rule but the entire galaxy >>

D-12 made an interesting proposal, any standard villain would easily jumped at the opportunity of world domination.

" I'm not interested, maybe if you were here almost many years ago I would jump at the opportunity but now those things don't please me anymore "

<< what do you want once you join us I'll see that it's done >>

" The kid, what did you do to her ? "

Genesis ask,

<< I can't tell you that >>

" No problem, I'll just rip the answer out of your circuits "

Genesis stabbed her in the chest with his hand to extract the information.

" Let's see what you have inside your wires... huh ?!"

Suddenly something went wrong before that happened, she was set for self-destruction and blow up the entire ship with Genesis on board. The ship bright up the sky after it exploded.The explosion could be seen for miles, purshion and Zero watched as the remains of the ship fall into the ice. Genesis flew over back to the others unscathed.

" Goodness, that was unexpected, I could have been killed with that blast there "

He said.

" Did you get any information from any of them ?"

Zero ask.

" No, she was set for self-destruction before I could get anything out of her. It seems their dark Neptune was expecting that, oh well let's go anyways "

" the car is destroyed, so how are we going to get there "

" On foot now let's get a move on "