Chapter 67

Genesis and the others stood at the top of a mountain. Below them was a military outpost with a large wall surrounding it, there was missile launcher with automatic targeting capabilities turning left and right ever few seconds and mechanical hounds patrolling the area. It was guarded heavily both in the surface and undergound.

" We need to get inside, kid your up "

" My name isn't kid "

Zero said as he touched both Genesis and Purshion and teleport them in between two large tank . The sneaked passed two guards and their watch dogs undetected thanks to Genesis Sound Manipulation + Heat Manipulation on the three of them with a single touch.

They went underground where there was a corridor full of guards with guns. The three of them put on gas mask to hide their faces and Genesis throw a flash grenade in the fall. The grenade exploded blinding the guards giving Genesis enough time to kill them all with his guns. He then take up an enemy gun and check the cartridge for bullets.

" Here "

Genesis take up a gun and throw it Purshion.

" Meow? "

" Learn to shot .. hm ?"

He noticed that Zero was holding up his hand indicating that he wanted a gun as well. Genesis denied him because he was still to young to hold a gun bit zero persisted.

" If you don't give me a gun, I won't teleport you guys out of here "

" Huh ?! Do I look like something who will negotiate with a kid, you're not getting a gun and that's final so do me a favor, shut up and don't bring up another word about this "

Genesis and the others continue to advance corridor killing each guard they come across without them expecting it .He shot one of them that was guarding the door and then he used the keycard to unlock the door. Inside was shelves filled with high tech weapons. Genesis didn't find that room interesting and continue to advance down the corridor.

There was a scientist walking down the corridor and he was suddenly dragged into a room and found himself with a gun to his head. The scientist look at purshion and her friendly smile then look at Genesis and his cold stare.

" The Dark Ore, where is it? "

" I-I don't know.... Ehhhh "

" Oh I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about, the Dark Ore that gave Evolvers their powers, there are still shards that exists and you have one, where is it? "

" It's on the third level, please don't kill me "

The scientist begged for his life until Genesis hit him in the face with the gun. The three of them continue down the corridor until then came to a large door and with one bullet Genesis made a double Headshots. They both approached the large door.

" Okay, it's time for you to use your mouse to check inside "

Genesis said to purshion. She takes out a rat out of her pocket and send it up the air vent and and to the other side of the room. A few minutes later the rat came back to where they were. After listen to what the mouse said purshion explain to Genesis everything it said

" Meow meow memeow "

Genesis got irritated and punched her on the head.

" Speak like a normal person you degenerate "

" Meoooow There some scientist inside some huge machine "

Suddenly the alarm went off and the three started to panick.

" We been found out "

Zero said

There was an explosion above and Genesis could feel it.

"No I think it's something else. Let's go up top "

Zero teleports them back to the top of the mountain where they started from and looked below. The sounds of bullets and the screams of agony filled the air as all of the soldiers was doing battle with a girl. She looks 16 in age has long silver hair flowing down on the ground with ice roses in her hair, greenish blue eyes and she is wearing a white furred robe on her slim body.

She was freezing the ground under her feet by walking and every bullets and missiles that comes within 2 meters of her turned to ice instantly. The girl continue to advance towards the base with an expressionless face and eyes continued to look downwards. All of the guards couldn't move from where they were standing because the ice glued their feet to the ground and they were frozen solid the moment she passed them .

" Who is she ?"

Zero ask.

" Winter, She's still that emotionless doll she used to be "

Genesis said,

Suddenly a door in the ground open and large cube was elevated to the surface. The cube open on all four sides and there was a large white wolf.

" Is that the thing you saw?! "

Genesis ask and purshion gave a nod.

Winter continue to look at the wolf standing before her. Suddenly it was turning on and it looked down at winter and skinny old man with ugly hair cut walked out from behind one of it's front legs.

" I'm so glad you could have come winter "

She didn't answer him.

" I'm sure you must be wondering what this is, It's a robot wolf designed to kill you, It's powers by a tiny piece of Dark Ore which this the weakness to every evolver "

She still didn't answer him.

" Getting wasn't cheap but the money was worth it, Are you going to say... Huh? "

The man stopped talking when he sees Winter lifting her right feet. He couldn't comprehend what she was about to do but Genesis knows.

" Tch, if you don't want to become frozen need I suggest you stay behind him that b*tch is going all out "

Genesis said.

Winter stomp her feet on the ground and massive surge of ice spread out all around her. The ice continued to spread until it reaches the mountain top where Genesis is. His barrier manage divert the ice away protecting not only Genesis but Zero and person. Winter attack ended and everyone with a 1 kilometers was covered in ice.

" Tch, that b*tch doesn't learn to hold back does she? "

Genesis said.

After covering everything in ice, Winter turned and walk away. Suddenly the ice around the wolf started cracking and it was freed in a matter of minutes. Winter stopped and look at the wolf from the corner of her eyes and even the scientist survived her attack thanks the protection of his mechanical wolf.

"You can't stop me now, I have the power to destroy you, go my beast "

The wolf charge at Winter by the man's orders and bit at her. She casually swings her hand and created a ice storm to blow away the two of them but there won't didn't affect the wolf. Winters expression remained unchanged as her attack wasn't effect but she still pushed. The wolf fired a beam from its mouth and Winter returned fire with her I've beam.

The two attacks pushed against eachother until the wolfs beam attack slowly pushed back winters. She leaped into the air to dodge it's attack and two ice wings sticked out of her back. Winter created an ice polar out of thin air and send it towards the mechanical wolf. They both clawed at each other, winters bear manage to bite the mechanical wolf around it neck and pinned it down to the ground. While they were fighting Winter decided to attack the science.

She created a scythe out of ice and swing at the scientist head. Luckily he managed to duck in time but the mountains behind him was sliced in two. The scientist started to panic and turned to his mechanical wolf.

" Hurry up and release the limiter and help me this instant "

He shout.

The wolf did as it command and with a single touch the ice bear break into pieces. It stood back on its feet and fire off another beam at Winter and she blocked with a shield. Suddenly the beam broke the ice in one blow and punctured the right side of her chest.

" It's done it's done, I've finally gotten rid of the 4th S ranked "

The scientist was overjoyed when he saw Winter fall on her back.

" That prove science is much stronger than any S ranked, I have created history and I will be praised by the people who suffered under Winters torments "

He laughed with joy and suddenly he was shot in the side of his heads. His body fall on the snow dying it red with his blood.

" That's enough of your gigglea pig "

Genesis said as he shot the scientist two more times for reassurance. The wolf turned to Genesis and open his mouth to fire a beam at him. He casually flick snow at the wolves head and the force caused it's head turn away from him and the wolf fired a beam at a mountain top. Genesis casually touched the Wolf on its foot and caused it to explode from the inside.

" That's enough out of you as well "