Chapter 68

Genesis ripped the Dark Ore out of the wolf. It was a small black diamond the size of a thumbdrive and it was aslo given off a rainbow colored shine under the sun. Genesis noticed that the EP energy around his right hand vanished. However, he still has use his ability normally in his arm.

" Tch, this thing is bothersome "

Genesis placed it in the pocket of his Parkour and walk over to Winter who was still on the ground bleeding out, barely clinging on to life. She was slowly breathing to her last breath her face remained expressionless.

" Look how pathetic you've become Winter an S ranked defeated by a regular human, it's sad actually "

Genesis said as he leaned over hand places his hand on her wound. he focused his mind on the blood flowing through her veins. Suddenly winters wound stopped bleeding entirely.

" You still are useful as an S ranked so it would be a waste if you die. I've diverted the blood flow from you're wound so you won't die but if you don't want to die then you know what to do "

Winter nods to him and she started to glow. The glowing faded and her entire body was encased in a coffin of ice. Soon After Zero and purshion teleported beside him.

" Why is she in ice? "

Zero ask.

" It's to preserve herself temporarily, She can use the Ice to heal while she's doing that we should at least take her back to the ice castle where she lives "

Genesis suggested.

There was a mansion made of ice in the north pole. Inside everything was made of ice from the future, to the chandelier, The couch and the Appliances. Genesis placed the ice coffin on the bed where Winter sleeps. After that they left the house and when they reached outside Genesis got a call on his phone, it was from Artemis.

" What is it? "

>> Sir, we have a problem <<

" Fine, I'm on my way "

In the meantime.

Terabyte, Lockjaw and Overheat arrived in Egypt. They stood before a pyramid which is the home of Merona the Beast Queen. There was a small town around the pyramid with people selling layed pots, Merchant selling jewelry to tourist and others offering tributes to Merona as the people worship her as a Goddess

" The beast Queen, I wonder what's she's like "

Overheat ask

" We are about to find out, try not to do anything stupid in there okay we are only trying to get the black ore from her "

Terabyte said.

The three of them walk up the 1000 stairs to the top of the pyramid and there Merona is at the top. A tanned beauty with golden hair braided with golden jewelry, her eyes was green and her alluring body was adorned with a bikini covered in bits of jewelry. She was laying on a sofa while being fanned by two men and another feeding her grapes. At her side was two tigers guarding her. Looked at terabyte and the others and she smiled.

" What do we have here, visitors from a foreign country "

She said.

Overheat looked at Merona and he couldn't take his eyes off her. Her beauty managed to steal the voice from his throat.

" she's beautiful "

He said.

Terabyte noticed that and she remembered that Genesis warning.

" Listen, we didn't come here to talk, you have something that we want so handle it over "

" And what would that be? "

Ask Merona, terabyte then looked closer and saw a black crystal in a golden ring on Merona's finger. Terabyte realized that it was Dark Ore inside the ring.

" That ring, we want it "

She said.

" This ring is my most valuable possessons, what makes you think I would give it to you that easily "

" If you don't want to give us then we'll take it off your corpse "

Terabyte takes out gun and points it at merona. Her male servant dropped what they were doing and point spears at her. Overheat rushed between the two of them.

" Hold on, there is no need for violence, I'm sure we can talk about this calmly so Terabyte why don't you put the gun down "

" You're seriously protecting her ?"

" Well let's not get ahead of ourselves, I mean she is a S ranked after all "

Overheat said.

Merona smiled and sat up. She crossed her leg and ate a grape from her own hand.

" You're the heroic type aren't you ?"

She ask overheats.

" Well I'm not a hero actually we are heroes, fighting against bad guys while being bad guys ourself. This time we are on a mission to save the world from robots from the future "

Overheat was suddenly hit on the head by Terabyte.

" You simpleton ! why did you have to go and tell her that?! "

" Argh, did you have to hit me so hard, that hurts you know "

" Of course it hurts I'm trying to knock some sense into you moron "

Watching the two argue Merona laughed and they stop and look at her.

" So you're trying to save the world that's quite the mission you have "

" Listen boobzilla we didn't come here for small talks give us the stone or else "

Terabyte said.

" Don't worry I'll give it to you but you have to do something for me ..."

" And what is that? "

Merona walked up to Overheat and hold his hand, she looked at him with a pure smile on her face and Overheat couldn't stop blushing.

" Can you spend sometime with me first? "

She ask politely

Overheat was love struck, on the outside he was calm but in his mind he was running around and jumping for joy.

- Is this it ?, Is this my chance? All my life I've never had a girlfriend and now there is a tanned beauty wanting to spend time with me, This is the greatest day of my live. Now it's time for me to display my charms -

Overheat thought to himself.

Suddenly he brushed back his head, grabbed her around the waist and tilt her backwards while looking at her affectionately in the eyes.

" Ofcourse my dear, I'll give you all my attention "

He said. Merona was completely caught off guard by his boldness and not no other choice but to become engrossed in the moment.Terabyte and LockJaw stood there looking at him with a numb expression on their faces.

" This guy is beyond redemption "

" Please avert your eyes Tera, idiocy might be contagious "

That evening at the foot of the pyramid there was a small feast hold for Merona's guests. There was tables filled with food and wine, belly dancers dancing around while gyrating and flame thrower willing Pyrokenesis in flashy ways. The tourist was amazed by the performance except for Terabyte. She wasn't having fun anyways and neither did LockJaw. Overheat was still with Merona spending time with her like he promises

" Tch, why is that idiot taking so long to get the ring, I'm going up there after him right now "

" You shouldn't go up there "

" Don't worry, I'm just going to knock some sense into that idiot "

Terabyte got up and set foot up the pyramid.

Meanwhile at the top Overheats was telling her about his heroic deed. He told her about how he's the strongest Pyrokenesis who loved in America and how he singlehandedly stopped the government cloning technology and how he receive praised from the president and even become buddied with the strongest guy in the world.

" Now I'm on a mission to save the world from an Evil Computer AI called Dark Neptune who wants to subjugate humanity along with many of my friends who look up to me "

Overheat said standing on his feet making a hero pose.

" Wow it seems you've done some impressive things that's amazing "

Merona said, Overheat puffed out his chest and rubbed his finger across his nostrils with a confidence smile on his face

" Hehehehe, I'm amazing aren't i, oh sorry if I spoke to much , why don't you tell me about yourself "

He ask

" There isn't anything special about me, other than my power to control animals but mimic their greatest strengths and being an S ranked. I'm just an ordinary girl with ordinary desires and yet people see me as a goddess, it can be a little annoying sometimes "

" Don't you get tired of being the strongest in this country ?"

" I get exhausting of all this, you're world sounds much more fun I would love to visit it "

" I could take you but if you're cool with it and "

" I am trust me "

" Then I can take you out sometime, It will be great "

Overheat said, Merona smiled and thank him with a kiss on his lips. Overheat was caught off-guard by her sudden move but he couldn't do anything but accept it.

Terabyte was standing there and saw them. She was shocked that she couldn't move and the lollipop in her hand fall to the ground.