Chapter 72

The battle started all over the world, This is a war that humanity may or may not survive but the Evolvers are ensuring that they do. Especially the S ranked to are on the front like fighting for their country.

In Egypt, the people arrived in jeep and tanks to oppose the Android. With Ak-47 and RPG they headed to battle. The Android arrived and soon was greeted by gun fire from the humans and even though the bullets was ineffective they still kept firing relentlessly. A man soon arrived with an RPG and fire at the Android but even that still even the bomb proved to be useless.

Suddenly the Android started to open fire at the humans killing with ease. They ran the other direction screaming for their lives but was shot from behind. Merona the 8th S ranked arrived in the scene, with the strength of a charging Rhino she easily hit one of the androids away. Merona looked at her fist and all the skin of her knuckles was peeled off. She could feel an intense pain running through her fingers.

The Android fired at her and luckily she dodge by bending her back with the flexibility of a snake. Merona was zigzag around running from the Android. She leaped on the root like an cat and started jumping from building to building. The smaller crafts noticed her and fired at her rapidly blowing up the house behind her.

" These things aren't giving me the time to catch my breath "

Merona though to herself.

She jumped off the roof and into the back alleys between to buildings. The Android checked the back alleys for Merona's and nothing came up on their scanners. They decided to advance ahead not knowing Merona was still there. Thank to her ability to control her own body heat to hide in one of the barrels.

" I'm starting to believe that everything Overheat said is the truth "

Merona said.

In India.

The streets was empty and only the Andriod roamed the streets. Suddenly one of them was hit in the head by a mango and they looked to see a boy on the roof. The boy laughed at them mockingly and then ran off.

<< After him >>

Two Androids went after the boy but he was gone. Suddenly a mango was thrown at the Android again from the same boy.

<< There he is, after him ! >>

The Android chased after the boy throw the houses firing at him with the intent to kill but he wasn't scared at all instead he casually laughed as he runs. Suddenly he was shot straight through the chest and there was a look of agony in his face and he fall to the ground dead.

<< Target has been neutralized >>

Said an Android,

Another mango was thrown at the Android and the both looked to see a boy identical to the one they just killed. The Android went after the boy and ended up chasing him again. They ended up shooting the boys head off but again they was stoned again with mango by another look alike.

The same plot was repeated over and over again, they killed the boy and another look alike showed up and because the Android lack emotion they didn't care that they were doing this over and over again. Soon they were chasing another look alike while their bodies was yellow with mango stains. They reached an open area and four more Android arrived and surrounded the boy.

<< Surrender now, your death is inevitable >>

" Hahaha I'm 13, when I reach hundreds I'll die "

The boy said smiling widely while throwing up a mango in his hand. One of the Android point at three barrelled gun at the boys head.

" Do you think you can kill me ?we are in India have you forgetten that no ? "

<< You are outnumbered and outmatch, your defeated will come soon >>

" Who said anything about being out numbered, don't you know who you are dealing with Replicate "

Suddenly over 300 copies of the boy appeared. Replicate the 7th S ranked evolver, he is able to replicate his DNA to create clones of himself, the number of clones he can create close to infinite. All of the clones smiled while throwing up mangoes that they got from the boxes around and started to throw them the Android. The more clones the Android killed the more they appeared and unless they find the main body, this battle will never end.

In South America

The smaller space craft fly around blasting building while on the ground the drones was mercilessly killing humans. Suddenly a sand arm rises high into the air and swat the robots on the ground like flies.

The 6th S ranked of South America Mineral was trying her best to protect her people. The 16 year old Brazilian girl fly into the sky on a large rock to battle the drones in the air. She throw two rocks at a ship that was heading straight for her and struck out on it's engine. Mineral's ability is compatible with Genesis' she's able to manipulate any earth-based mineral she touches.

" Raaaaaaaaaahhhh "

She created a large golem arm using rock and punches one of the ships and unable to maintain its balance it crashed to the ground. Another ship approached and shot the rock from behind her feet causing to fall from the sky. Mineral didn't panick falling from the air and the moment she got the solid concrete it turned as soft as flour.Mineral stepped out of the pool of dust coughing out all the dirt and stone in her mouth.

" toda esta suciedad en mi boca estos androides me están poniendo de los nervios ( All this dirt in my mouth, These Android are getting on my nerves ) "

Suddenly a lazer zoomed past her face as over 30 Android walks towards her. Mineral got angry and continue to curse and she placed her hand on the ground. Suddenly the ground beneath their feet causing them fall into a bottomless pit.

" F*ck off Puto "

She said with a middle finger up.

In london, England

The driver of a black Mercedes Benz look out at the city as the Android continue to massacre the civilians. He look in the back seat where a girl was hiding under a blanket shaking nervously. She had blond hair and green eyes.

" Aw man, why did this have to happen, Walker can we go home as soon a possible? "

She ask.

" Yes Miss Claudia ah ! "

The driver stopped the car in a sudden. Claudia was thrown off the back seat and ended up bumping her head.

" Ow "

" Miss Claudia, we need to leave this vehicle and run away from here as soon as possible "

" Huh ! what's going on out there "

Before them civilians was leaving their car and running the opposite directions as the Android come towards them. Claudia watched and people were killed left and right, she could stop moving and her arms was shaking.

" Let's go miss Claudia "

Walker pulled Claudia out of the car and run with her along with the crowd. She couldn't stop shaking as she kept hearing of people behind her screaming In pain and agony.

" Wait, are you Claudia Roosevelt?! "

Ask a running civilians, soon most of them stopped and look at her.

" She is "

" She's Claudia Roosevelt the 5th S ranked "

The crowd looked at her as they recognize her, waiting for her to save them. Around everyone was asking and begging her to save them but she was too scared to even talk.

" She's suffering from a condition so she can't use her powers right now "

Walker said.

" What do you mean she can't use her power ?"

" She can't save us? "

" But she's the protector of our country, what good about her if she can't protect her country ?! "

The people wasn't very please, they demand her to save them, Soon the Android approached them and they all ran off. Walker grabbed Claudia's hand and ran off. While they ran Claudia tripped and fell.

" Miss Claudia ! Miss Claudia! "

Walker called out, he couldn't get to her because the get to her because the crowd was pushing him back.

" Miss Claudiaaaaa !"

Claudia turned around to see that the Android was standing over her with a gun to her head and she was scared enough that she accidentally wet herself.

" Some one please help me "

She said.

She closed her eyes expect death but before the Android could fired his gun it was grabbed by Claudia and melted away.

"Damn you *ssholes , you're so going to pay because you picked a fight with the wrong person "

The scared Claudia was replaced by one who was violent an aggressive. Suddenly, Claudia hair, eyebrows and eyes turned flaming blue and she was giving off heat that melted away the ground but my standing here. Claudia cracked her knuckles and glare at them

" so which one of you would like to die first? "