Chapter 73

Claudia Roosevelt age 16 and she's an S ranked Pyrokenesis Evolver. Every since she was born Claudia has an disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder ( DID ) it's where a person has two different personalities At times she is a timid and friendly girl who loves to smile and another she's aggressive and arrogant it was like two different beings living in the same body . Scientist and research are still trying to figure out her condition as to why her Pyrokenesis powers can only be used be her aggressive personalities.The people stopped running and look at Claudia.

" Looks she's making a move "

" We are saved "

" She's an S ranked, these Android doesn't stand a chance "

They said, Claudia got angry and turned to them.

" What makes you think I'm going to protect pest like you. I think I should burn you assholes do ashes right now "

She said.

" Why, are you an S ranked ? "

" It's you're job to protect us, it's what the country is paying you for "

" Yeah, You have to "

They all agreed that Claudia should save them and she got even more angry.

" I'm to protect you, why when the other Claudia was scared and defenseless earlier you literally turned your backs on her and now you want me to protect you. I'm sorry but I'm not as soft as her, I'm much more smarter and straightforward than her, in fact i hope all of you dies "

Claudia cold stare made everyone scared. She turned her gaze to Walker who was still in the crowd

" Yo Walker, I suggest you get away from here as soon as possible, it's about to get hot out here "

" Yes Miss Claudia please be careful "

Walker runs away as fast as he could. The area was cleared and there was no human within 2 mile radius. Claudia smiled and cricked her neck.

" It's been a while since I let loose, not since my last brawl with Genesis, do make this fun for me ? "

She said.

Claudia started bottling up the heat within her body before releasing heat with a shout. The released flame was far more devastating than Overheats. The road and everything around her turned to molten lava within seconds. Suddenly the blue flames from her body took shape into a 100ft blue dragons.

The dragon roared loudly before firing a compressed heat beam from its mouth cutting down the hundreds of Android walking towards her. Claudia who was inside the massive dragon lookers up at the sky. Hundred of ships came flying towards her and flew into the air at them.

" Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Die ! Diiiieeeeeee ! "

Claudia kept destroying the Androids one after the other with with ease. Their impenetrable metal body seemed to have no effect against her flames as they were easily burned away to nothing. Suddenly the war ship fired a beam at Claudia and she dogded. The beam strucked the city below and destroy everything within a 1 mile radius.

" Now you've made me really mad "

Claudia said. The fire dragon fired off a beam at the warship and sliced it in two along with the sky.


" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh "

Claudia flew up the the ship at full speed and her driver watched from below.

" Mr Claudia please be careful "

In Antarctica.

A small town was running from the Androids. A small child was with the crowd ended up losing her mother. She cried while walking the opposite direction to everyone else until she came came face to face with the Androids.

" Where is my mommy?!"

She ask.

<< A human lifeforms must be eliminated >>

The Android points it's gun at the little girl and before it could kill her, the Android joints became frozen. It's entire body was covered in ice within seconds and it breaks a apart. Walking up to the girl was Winter the 4th S ranked and she had just awaken from her sleep inside that ice coffin. Thanks to the help of Genesis diverting the blood flow from her wound she was able to stay alive by freezing herself to heal her injuries using her ability.

" Amy !"

" Mother "

The mother and daughter had a touchy reunion in front of Winter. She looked at them both silently.

" You saved my daughter Thank you so much "

The mother said to Winter and she responded by giving a nod. Suddenly she created a ice wall between the Android and herself and the fleeing civilians. Winter looked the Android silent as they fired lazer at her. She didn't budge and silent watch as the green lazer came towards her. Suddenly it was freezed over and turned into a Popsicle and fall to the ground before her.

Winter casually raised her hand and created millions of ice sword out thin air, she wing down her hand and rain down the sword in them. Winter looked up in the sky and noticed that ships was coming toward her so she changed some of the ice swords trajectory towards the ship and she manage to cut down a majority of them.

Winter decided to quit holding back and gathered all her strength to create a powerful scythe made of ice. She slowly open her eyes and breaths out a chilling air and takes off into the sky at the Warship. It was a massacre as each of her swings easily slice ships in two.

In China.

The Chinese Marine was on point blast the ships of the Tinarian from the sky. One of the commander of the ships shoots fire and blasted a large missile at the Warship. The missiles reached halfway before it was shot through by a beam from the Warship.

It fired another beam at one of the ship blowing it to smithereens. The Marine was backed into a corner, The weapons of their enemies is far superior to the one they have currently. Suddenly there was a very bright light behind them. The night came from a monk sitting in a meditating position with his hands clasped together. He was 79 years of age with bald head and a long grey beard, mustache and eyelashes. On the monks head was six red dots perfectly aligned with eachother.

" Amitabha "

The monks open his right eye that glowed golden. Suddenly a large Buddha statue made of golden light appeared behind him. It was hundred feet tall with six arms and three heads. The Chinese Army seem please by this monks arrival and the cheered for joy.

Enlighten is the 3rd S ranked evolver with the ability Light Manipulate. He's able to control light to do almost anything. A group of Tinarian ship fly towards him firing at him aimlessly. Enlighten casually raised his hand and send a light in the shape of a hand.

The ships crashed into the palm and and exploded, it was like driving into a iron wall. Enlighten looked up at the Warship that was about to fire a beam directly at him. He remained calm and made his move, the middle head of the Buddha statue fire a beam of light from its fire straight at the Warship and it fired it's beam back.

The two beams collided with a powerful shockwave and pushes against eachother. It was a battle of strength, Warship vs Man. Suddenly the middle head fired two beams from its eyes and the three light merges together pushing back the attack from the warship.

The warship lost the battle and it was shot straight through by Enlighten attack. Immediately after there was another explosion on the ship and it started to fall from the sky and crash into the sea. The Chinese Army cheered for joy and aslo praised Enlighten, in unison they all bow to him and payed their proper respects.

" Amitabha, May the great Buddha watch over you "

Enlighten left to help Japan and as fast as light he took off.

In Russia

A girl draws her sword and points at the large army of Android before her.

" Poka ya zdesʹ, nikto iz vas ne vtorgnet·sya v etu stranu, Na voynuuuuu! ( As long as i'm here, None of you will invade this country, To warrrrrrr!) "

Shouts Kira , the 2nd S ranked of Russia. A 20 year old girl with metallic Silver hair, purple eyes and a eyepatch over her right eye. Behind her was an army of soldiers, tankers, trucks carrying large Missiles launcher and jets. With battle cries all of her men charge into battle, B to A rank evolvers with different abilities taking to the battlefield as well .

Different abilities was being used against the androids on a grand scale. With her ability of Physcokenesis Kira ripped open the earth and take up a large bolder.

" Raaaaaaaaah "

She mercilessly smashed it agains the Android repeatedly. Suddenly a beam was fired from the Warship and strucked her people behind her. Bodies was flying through the air and screams of pain and agony as some loosed their limb.

Kira got very angry