Chapter 74

Kira remained suspended mid air with her body outlined by a purple light. The ships kept firing at her but all their beams gets deflected away by Psychic barrier. Kira ability of level S Psychokinesis is highly compatible with Genesis power of Physics Manipulation. She's able produce a barrier strong enough to deflect away any attack. However, her ability is more versatile than his because she doesn't have to make physical contact with any object or matter for her ability to work.

Kira isn't happy with her position as second S ranked and once challenge Genesis but she lost because her ability uses force that applies to the laws of physics which Genesis can manipulate . Remember how he humiliated her Kira takes out her anger on the Android before her. She floated higher in the air cursing and using her ability to control an enemy ship to attack it's allies. Kira decided it's time to quit playing and raised her hand in the sky.

Nothing happened immediately until 30 second later meteroids started raining down from the sky at the Android. Seeing Kira power first hand her people was faith in her that she could help them win this battle. Suddenly their jaws dropped when they saw a meteroid bigger then the entire ship coming down from the sky. The meteroid struck the ship with full force and made it exploded. Kira was able to control the destructiveness of the meteroids so that it didn't explode when crashing on the ground.

The human army look at the battlefield and saw that there was no more Android. They jumped for joy and kept calling Kira name as they survived this war. Suddenly the unexpected happened and their hopes was betrayed as another space time portal open up and another warship came through it. Not only in Russia but China, Antarctica and London. The four S ranked of the countries was speechless as they just gave it their all to destroy one and then another one appear it was too much.

In America.

Genesis didn't move as he looks up at the ship. Soon after multiple smaller crafts came down and started shooting aimlessly.

" I can't stand by and watch anymore, let's go "

Said Ulimate

Not only Kiva and the other but a whole army of Evolvers was behind him. They took off into battle to protect their country and it's people.

" Genesis let's go we can't do this without you "

" You go ahead, I'll continue to observe before I made a move plus I have to wait on Artemis and hear her thoughts on the matter "

" Okay then you be safe out there "

Ultimate flew off into the sky with all of his friends. Genesis and the others watched as the heroes fight with everything they've got. The army was aslo their firing missile at the Android, and jets fly through the air maneuver through the air while being chased by Tinarian space craft. One of the Android ships charged it's weapons ready to blast the jet out of the sky but ended up being skewered by an ice spear.

The pilot turned to the ice girl and gave her a thumbs up before she takes off to the sky again. On the ground a tanned girl with an headphone on sucked in a large amount of oxygen and scream as loud as she could. The scream shattered the window of cars and building while aslo destroying the electrical system of the Android.

" Dat's what am talking bout "

She take a pose with her chest puffed out.

" Can you warn us before you do that?! "

Ask a boy covering his ears, her scream affected not only the Android but her allies as well.

" Chill n*gga I ain't see you doin nothing "

She said.

" Oh yeah, you want to see me do something, well let me show you "

The boy stepped forward with a sketch book in his hand and he draw with a fast speed then suddenly the drawing came out of the book and into reality a large Chimera, a lion with a wings of an eagle and the tail of a snake.

" Pretty cool right, what ever I draw I can bring that creature into reality ? "

" Okay, I see whatchu got going on, can I ride it ? "

" Sure as long as you don't deaf me but we have to move fast this manifestation is only temporary, I can only maintain this thing for 10 minutes "

The girl got on the back of the chimera with the boy and they flew off into the sky. She was so bold and caught up in the moment she takes out her phone to video a live feet

" Are you doing this now? "

" I gotta look good for my instagram "

in the meantime

" Aren't you going to assist them? "

Nightshade ask.

" Tch, they'll only get in my way, it's best to let them struggle with everything they have "

Genesis said.

Suddenly Zero teleport on the roof with LockJaw, Terabyte and Overheat.

" What's the situation?! "

Terabyte ask.

" It's as you see.. Hm? "

Genesis caught the ring that throw to him by Terabyte.

" That's the ring we got from Merona "

" Thing this is irrelevant at this point as you can't see, they came in a large number not only here but across the entire world which means more dark ore than what's in this world. The other S ranked are having their hands full at the moment "

" What are you doing here, I thought you were spending your days in Egypt with Merona "

Nightshade ask Overheat.

" Well actually it was... "

" It was his decision to be a hero who save the world ! "

Terabyte shouts as she quickly covered Overheats mouth. She was acting all nervous and this made Nightshade confused. Soon after Artemis arrived on the roof where they were.

" Sir Genesis, something is changing "

" What do you mean by changing?"

" This invasion is happening too early and there was no history about this happening "

Artemis explains.

Genesis noticed this as well, all that Artemis told him and what's happening now is completely different. He finds all of this highly suspicious and couldn't find any clue in everything that's happening. Suddenly Genesis remember something very important, that day he got his powers back Raphaela said something very puzzling.

- The way she spoke, it was as if she knew that this was coming. If we win her we can find the answer -

Genesis thought to himself.

Ultimate suddenly crashed into the top floor of a building after being blasted away be an attack from Android floating in the air. He walked back to the broken window and look the Android straight into it's eyes

<< Stop this meaningless resistance and give up while you have the chance >>

" I'm not giving up or backing down "

Ulimate fly toward the Android punched it in the face left and right. It had enough of his weak attempt and gave Ultimate a punch straight in his chest and he crashed in the roof of a skyscraper. He open his eyes and quickly away as the Android flame flying in. Ultimate then used his powers to rip a water tank out of place and throw it at the Android.

The Android couldn't move as the water tank 2as still on top of him. Ultimate used his magnetism to bend and twist the metal around the Android until it couldn't move.

" Okay tell me what are you plans ? who is your leader and where they are ? "

Ultimate ask.


" I want answers and you're going to give them to me "

<< There is no use trying human, Your destruction is Inevitable just as it has always been >>

" Always been? What do you mean by that?! "

<< The truth will be revealed soon enough >>

The Android said, Ultimate was confused by its words.

" Well whatever you have planned, we will not let it succeed "

He said.

In the meantime.

Genesis and the others stood on the roof of the Warship. They couldn't stop looking at how big the ship is. Genesis finds a door and ripped it off.

" This is it, let's go "

He said before jumping down into the ship and the others followed behind. They walked down the corridors looking around.

" This ship is like a maze "

Overheats said.

" Yeah and it's loaded with technology too "

" Something isn't right "

Nightshade said and she look at Overheat and Terabyte.

" You two never got along so well and now your getting along with each other what really happened in Egypt "

" N-Nothing at all we promise "

Terabyte said waving her hand left and right , Suddenly Genesis pick up on something.

" All of you quiet! "

He said and everyone fell silent. Genesis closed his eyes to focus on the sound he's hearing. Genesis walked over to a wall and slammed his hand on it. Suddenly the ceiling collapse and someone familiar screamed and she dropped flat on her bottom.

" Ow, that like so hurts, You could have been gentle with me GG "

It was Raphaela Xavier