Joint Mission 2

The bright purple glow grew brighter. Then, it started swirling in a circle. Creating a portal. A gate. Scream echoes from within the portal. It was one of those colored portals, the one where you can't see on both ends. A claw came through the portal. Then a snout. Then came flooding dozens of beasts at a time.

Sam and Volta stood quite far from the portal. They thought it'd be best to do so. Beasts of various shapes and sizes quickly filled a quarter of the basement. Sam started running towards the beast as he clashes his Twin Blades, knocking the beasts far back, and shaking the entire building. Volta uses her speed to her advantage. She powers through the smaller and weaker beasts. Slashing their guts, heads, and limbs.

The situation was relatively controlled.

Sam glanced over to Volta. He looks at her fighting gracefully. She displayed no emotion as usual. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. He stops to admire her from the distance. Which distracted him. An energy blast propelled him to a supporting pillar. He hit his head and began to bleed from it.

It catches Volta's attention. The beast was humanoid, it had four arms, three eyes, and two legs—it was also around seven feet tall. It was different from the rest of the beasts. Volta quickly annihilates the small fry beasts and focuses her attention on that humanoid beast. Engaging in close-quarter combat. Volta quickly suppresses the beast against a wall. Sam was feeling hazy, but he had to fight. He stood back up and started slashing away. He was quickly covered with blood from the beasts.

Volta was keeping the humanoid beast occupied. She knew what it was and what she had to do. Blow after blow to every single part of its upper body. Face, shoulder, jaw, chin, chest, and stomach. For thirty seconds, she landed four hundred blows. But, it felt like punching a wall. It felt futile. It was pointless.

Then from the corner of her eye, she catches an identical beast to the one she's fighting currently. Sam noticed it too. He clashes his blade as he ran toward the second humanoid beast. It was merely a breeze of wind. The beast was faster than Sam could react. The beast lands an unguarded punch at Sam's stomach. Whilst hitting him, the beast had two of its hand holding Sam in place. Then after the punch, it suspended Sam in the air. It jumps up and through the floor. They reached the lobby—joining Dan and Laura.

The beast then threw Sam at Dan, the two fell over. Laura draws her sword, holding it with both hands. She trembled.

"It-It's a maniacal." Her voice shook

"It can use spells, right?" Dan asks


Dan got up quickly and dragged Sam close to the exit.

"You good to go, Sam?" He asked

"*cough* Yeah *cough*"

Dan casts "Black Envelope: Arm Gauntlets" and joins Laura. The beast throws a punch at Laura. Dan dashes in front of her and catches it. Laura dashes to the right of Dan and tries to cut the beast's arm. Her sword couldn't cut through. The beast uses its second arm and punches at Dan. Dan catches it again with his other hand. The beast uses its third arm and holds Laura's blade. Lifts it up and punches Laura with its fourth in her chest.

The beast throws Laura's blade behind it. Dan then lets go of the beast's left hand and utilizes his right hand. He pivots forward, keeping his body low, and lands an elbow swing on its lower stomach. Then while still holding the beast's right hand, he goes under its right hand. He lands a kidney punch. The beast then tries to land a backhand with its second right hand, but Dan blocks it with his right hand. Dan then interlocks—with both his hands— both of the beast's right hands. Dan then kicks the beast's right knee. Bending it.

Dan then sweeps the beast's leg from behind and uses his own body weight to drop it to the ground. Dan lets go of the beast and then kicks where the kidney would be. Three times. Then casts "Black Envelope: Footgear" then kicks it once. He releases the dark energy and lands two blows at once. Dan then swings his right leg in a clockwise motion, his left leg following, bringing his entire body to a sitting position. He turns and quickly runs to Laura's blade.

He picks up the sword and runs to Laura.

"Are you okay, Laura?" He asks

She shut her eyes. She grips her shirt at her chest. She struggles to breathe. She wheezes as she tries to speak.

"Don't talk. Just breathe in deep." Dan said

Laura then follows his advice. Dan helps her up to a sitting position. He has her hand over him. Helping her up. The beast then starts to stand back up.

"Laura, I know you're hurting, but I need you to stand up here." Dan said to her calmly

"Give me a sec." Laura wheezing

"Okay, that's fine. I'll buy time until you're ready."

Dan drags Laura next to a wall. And lays her sword next to her. The beast stands up and stares down at Dan.

"Sam, time to wake up!" Dan yells at Sam

"Fuck you!"

Sam then gets up and runs toward Dan. He readies his Twin Blades and clashes them. The repel force made the beast take a step back. Sam then kept clashing his blade over, and over, and over.

Six times Sam clashed his Twin Blades. Six small steps back the beast took.

"Well... That was effective." Dan said sarcastically

"Fuck you, cunt."

Sam then ran up front and started using his Twin Blades like chakrams. Constantly throwing the blades, recalling them back to his hands. Dan wanted to help but he couldn't find an opening. Then it clicks in Dan.

"Wait, where's the other girl?" He concerns

"Oh, fuck." Sam realized

Sam was distracted. The beast dashed to Sam. Dan dashes to Sam as well. Dan kicks Sam away from the beast. Saving him, but also taking a hit. He was rammed by the beast and was thrown far.

Sam then recovers, runs behind the beast, slides on his knees, with his blade out, and slashes the back of its knee. Then he jumps into the hole he went through.

"Volta, how are you managing?" Sam asks


Volta was able to keep all the beasts at bay but was gradually getting tired. Sam quickly takes a load off of her.

"Is that thing dead yet?" Volta asks


"The one above doesn't seem to be taking damage either."

Whilst talking, Volta was running at her limit, her top speed was half of Mach speed. She was slowing down, her attacks became sloppy, her legs felt weak. Then she stops behind a pillar. She pants. She's exhausted.

"V, you okay?" Sam concerns


"Take your ti-"

The humanoid beast that was suppressed by Volta finally took action. It dashed toward Sam and lands a punch to his face. Sam plummets to a wall. He then spits out blood.

He drops to one knee. He slides his Twin Blades to his front. It stops in between the beast and him. He had his left foot against the wall, his right foot as his stand, both his palm open and touching the ground. He pushes his foot against the wall. The wall cracked and he dashed to the beast. He grabs the beast's lap and lifts it and pulls it closer to him. With the speed backing him, he crashes the beast to the wall.

Volta catches her breath, breaks the sound barrier, and clears out most of the beast by slashing continuously. "Bright Slice" is a spell that creates sharp blades at the side of both her arms, turning her hands into blades. The weight of her hand doesn't change since the blades are "imaginary".

The beast that was slammed to the wall by Sam grabs him and throws him away. At the perfect distance. Sam lands on his blades. He grabs them and starts doing the chakram move he did earlier. This time, it gave the beast very shallow cuts. Something that didn't happen earlier. A thing that caught Volta's attention was that it behaves slightly differently.

"Why isn't this thing using spells? It could earlier." Volta confused