Joint Mission 3

While Volta and Sam were occupied in the basement, Dan and the humanoid beast were in a standoff.

It blasts a ray of heat from its three eyes—like heat vision. Dan was taking the blast, blocking it with his arms crossed in an X form whilst also casting "Black Envelope: Arm Gauntlets". Despite his spell, he could still feel the heat, which also repelled him. He starts to sweat and begins to slide back slowly. He wants the beast to focus on him so Laura can recover.

Laura was recovering slowly. Every breath she took was painful. Coughing frequently. She holds her sword and tries to stand up.

"Hey, Laura, I'm really missing you right now."

Laura kind of understood what Dan said by translating what she think he said. "I need your help." But, she still blushes. Laura finally stood up, she used the wall to help her balance.

"Just... Give me a sec." Laura pants

"Yeah, okay. Just take your time, darling."

"D-d-darling?" Her faced turns red. She then shook her head and tries to focus. She breathes deep and casts "Light Amplification". She begins to channel it to her sword.

The beast charges a spell. Four red orbs in each respective hand. A spell that can repel and electrifies.

Laura slashes her sword diagonally and releases "Crescent Slash" from her sword. The beast took the slash to the head. It was distracted and stopped its laser.

Dan then drops to one knee, sweating, and panting. He takes off his jacket and runs toward the beast. He throws his jacket to the beast's head. Obscuring its vision. Dan and Laura charge together. The beast claps its two hands together with the spell still casted. A repel force that threw Laura back to the wall she was at and Dan to the open hall, rolling on the floor.

The beast throws one of its orbs at Laura, it pushed her through the wall. It throws its last orb at Dan who was trying to get up. Knocking him back down. The beast charges at Dan and steps on his stomach. Dan caught its right foot with both hands. The beast then bends over and starts a barrage with its hands.

Dan had to make the choice, protect his head or his stomach. He went in between. Casting "...Arm Gauntlets". He held the beast's foot with one hand and blocks the barrage with one hand. It didn't work as well as he thought it would. He lets a lot of hits in.

Laura gets back up. She was bleeding from her head and her nose. She wipes the blood off of her nose. She starts running at the beast. The beast notices. It turns its head to Laura and shoots out its heat vision. Laura blocks it with her sword. While it shoots its beams, it stops its barrage. Dan didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to land a blow.

Dan lands a right jab at the beast's jaw. It disrupts its beams and cancels it. The beast took a few steps back. Dan kips up and lands a straight kick backed with "Black Envelope: Footgear" to the beast's stomach.

Laura realizes that the beam super-heated her sword. She casts "Light Amplification" and runs behind the beast. She lands a slash to its back. It suffered a cut wound. Laura was happy that one of her attacks finally worked. Knowing that it works, Laura changes her sword grip to an ice pick grip. She deals seven consecutive slashes to its back. Then her blade cools down. Then she sheathes her blade and starts punching its back.

Dan followed her lead. He punches it back, she punches it forward. This worked somewhat effectively for less than thirty seconds. They were interrupted by a hole being blown from under.

The other humanoid beast being thrown through the floor created the hole. Sam was responsible. He jumps out of the hole. The beast was thrown to a wall. Sam runs toward the beast. He jumps with his right knee up and lands his knee to its head. Banging the beast's head against the wall. Cracking the wall. He then started punching the beast's head with all his might. Then starts to continuously bang its head against the wall. The wall was half destroyed.


Sam then grabs the beast by its armpits and reaches out his right hand behind him. Calling for his Twin Blade. It arrived in his hand. He grips the blade firmly. He thrusts the beast's throat with his blade but it just bounces off. Then he had the blade sideways, pushing it against the neck of the beast. It won't even budge.

The beast grabs Sam's left shoulder with one of its hands. He slashes the beast's neck while putting his blade away, then grabs the beast's hand. He twists it the wrong way, turns around, has the beast's arm over his right shoulder, and then snaps its arm the wrong way. Its arm was deformed. The beast then two of its arm to wrap around Sam's neck, it was trying to choke him out.

Sam quickly grabs the back of the beast's head with both hands and lifts his legs all the way to his chest with the bottom of his feet facing out. He then pushes his legs to his front. While also swinging himself down. He was able to throw the beast by doing this. The beast fell and rolled over in front of him.

Then Dan landed on top of the other beast after being thrown by his. Then Laura was thrown at Sam. The standing beast then casts four of its red orbs from each hand. Then it smashes all four to the ground. Collapsing half of the entire floor to the basement.

The gate then grew bigger. More beasts coming in. And higher rank—two to four. The basement was flooded with beasts. Volta was getting tired. She's been going nonstop for almost twenty minutes. Her lungs were giving out, she was running low on mana as well. She felt dizzy and her legs are shaking. Hiding behind a pillar, sitting down. Panting, struggling to breathe.

Lucky for Volta, the entire floor above her collapsed. The debris fell on the beasts and stopped them temporarily. To avoid the debris, she quickly runs and jumps out of the hole that Sam made. Of course, she falls right back down.

"V, are you okay?" Sam concerned

"No." She replied

"Are you hurt?" Sam asks again

"No. But, I'm nearly empty on mana and I'm tired." Volta replied

"You want me to take you out of the fight?" Sam offered


"Sam, we can't kill these two beasts. You think one less sorcerer is going to help?" Dan yelled

"She's running out of mana!" Sam yelled back

The two humanoid beasts stood up and regrouped. One of them then started moving weirdly. It grew another four arms. It suddenly multiplied. Now there're three of them.

"I know why you can't kill it, Sam." Volta figured it out

"Why?" Sam asks

"It's a clone. You have to kill the original. The one that can use spells." Volta replied

"A cloning spell?" Sam caught on

"Two are indestructible and one can use spells. We're fucked." Dan said

Not only did the maniacal beast multiply, but the beasts stuck under the rubble also started crawling out. And another two dozen crawled out of the gate right before it closed.

"Sam, you keep her safe, yeah? Laura and I will take them."
