Nishukan go 2

Derrick doesn't look good. He won't need to fight anymore. I'll take care of Ablaze myself. Anger was painted all over my face, and what frustrates me, even more, was the fact that I couldn't do anything about it. Derrick's words for me were something I can't understand. Save him? Why? Why would I save him when he's the one that walked down that path? Why the hell should I care?

It's been two weeks, but he hasn't attacked our clan yet. I wonder why. Whatever, this is good. I have time to prepare.

I traveled back to my clan's house, alone. I met up with Zach in the lounge. He had a heavy smile, and he tried to lighten my mood but it was not working. If he was better at it, maybe it'd work.

"Nate?" Zach called.


"Are you okay?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Just concerned."

"I'm fine."


"What do you want?"

"Were you able to use Varreux?"

"Yeah. Ablaze was able to use it too."

"Well, he is a Varr. It makes sense."

"I don't get it."

"Get what?"

"My brother told me to save him. Why the hell would I do that?"

"You want the short answer?"

"Whatever," I said. I accept any answer.

"Change. He wants you to change."

"Change what? Change how?"

"You're a confused kid. Here's the long answer. Take Michael and Derrick's situations. They may differ in degree but it's the same. They endured abuse from OUR family simply because they weren't the same," Zach paused for a second. he sighed, "he wants you to be able to look past the past and to the future. Forgive Michael and move forward. Cliche to hell but it's the best way. The right way."

"He nearly killed my brother!" And I used Varreux when he was lying on the ground dying. Ablaze was the one who saved him. What is wrong with me?

"Even so, forgive him."

"That's easy for you to say," I complained.

"It is. I'm not the one with a burnt brother," that was hurtful but it was true. This is my problem. My responsibility.

"Before you open other people's eyes, you have to open yours first. That works figuratively and literally."

I left the lounge and headed to my father's office. He was there, sitting, doing nothing. He held his hands together, he pressed them onto his lips. He looks worried.

"Hey, father."

"Nathan, glad you're back. How's your brother?"

"Still in a coma. Wait, you're worried?"

He stood up and walked over to me, "Nate, I... I... Um... Fuck the formalities. I'm sorry. To you and Derrick. I've been a shitty father and I probably wouldn't be able to atone enough, but I will."

I looked into his eyes, he said such words with a committed glare. I don't think he's lying. In his voice, some sort of sincerity.

"Derrick won't be fighting anytime soon."

"I know. Michael Varr... He endured the same torture Derrick did. Only worse. What do you suggest we do?"

"You're asking me?"

"You're the next head, aren't you? Zach doesn't want to, and Derrick wouldn't either."

"You're stripping your own title?"

"Handing it over to someone better. You've become a great man, not thanks to me."

"Then... A family meeting. Everyone."

"Great! I'll get everyone ready!" Apparently, Zach had been creeping on us the entire time. I bet he was just excited to not be the head.

We're gathered in the great hall. I stood atop the long wood table, preparing for some speech. Honestly, what should I say? Should I come off strong or soft? Everyone is waiting for me to say something.

"Thanks for coming," appreciate that people are here to listen first. "Does the name Michael Varr ring a bell?" Whispers arise. Most of them nodded in silence. "He's a byproduct of our wrongdoings. Mine and yours. More yours."

"How come?" Someone asked.

"We have a screwed-up worldview. Only cold elements are pure. That isn't true at all. None of us choose what were born as, so we shant be casted aside simply because we're not the mainstream."

"Are you calling us mainstream?" Zach asked.

"Yes. We aren't special. You wanna know why?"

"Do enlighten us," Zach replied with grin.

"Michael, the man that grew up being called 'the Varr family devil', is one of the few people who can pull off the Varruex spell. I know, because he used it against me."

"Sounds like bullshit, how would he know how to do it?"

"Because... he's a Varr. Didn't I make that clear? The criminal Ablaze is our blood!"

"Then that should be his parent's problem."

"Aren't we all related? Aren't we all family? I thought we were the Varr family clan. A family of generations. Maybe you weren't involved directly but did any of you, knowing he was abused, lend a helping hand?"

Silence filled the room. I've guilt-tripped them. I should go further.

"His scream echoed through the house and he was pushed to the brink. No one stepped up. Instead, you all turned a blind eye, even worse, bullied him!"

"What exactly do you suggest we do?"

"He's a byproduct of our wrongdoings, it's our responsibility to take accountability. But instead of killing him outright, we need to acknowledge the fact that he suffered because of us. So let us show him. Show him that we accept him as who he is!"

"And if still tries to kill us?"

"If it comes down to that..." When it comes down to that, "we'll do what we have to."

The room was silent. No one said anything. Maybe they were scared. I don't blame them. Ablaze probably wouldn't step down, not after everything. And we can't just simply spare him either. He's a criminal, he killed countless people, he needs to be condemned and punished. On top of that, he's a Supreme Rank, equal to Hinora Shino's fire side.

Zach then hopped onto the table and put his hand over my shoulders, "y'see, this is why Nathan is the best candidate for the next head. His father already stepped down, fuck formalities, for now, Nathan is the next head. And we'll fight Michael, as a family." The crowd was still silent, "what's this? Get going! Prepare to fight!" Zach yelled.

He's still better suited to this kind of stuff. I don't know why he doesn't do it.

"For now?" I asked.

"I like the food they get."