Nishukan go 3

"HEATH!!!!" Yui yelled from her room. Heath rushed in as fast as he can. He busts the door open, "what?"

"I found him."

Heath's face lit up. He ran out of her house and head back to the school. He sent a message to his classmates. All of them except for Volta responded immediately.

Sitting at the end of a gargoyle. Hanging his legs. He was maybe twenty stories up. The wind was blowing strong. He got a good night view of the city from above.

Above him, he felt the wind change. Something was coming down to the gargoyle. Their feet pattered on the metal gargoyle. "Long time no see, Dan," Laura greeted. Laura was unsure whether it was really Dan. He looked like him, he didn't have the same mana wavelength.

"I could say the same thing."

"I'm glad you're not dead."

"Same. You've changed since I last saw you."

"So have you, apparently," Laura sighed. "I'm still your partner, y'know? Can't just go on missions alone yet. We're all still low-ranks."

"Maybe you and him," he stood up. His presence resembled that of a dead person. Nothing. It was faint earlier. "I'll kill Shujin myself," he turned to Laura. "No one will have to die again."

Laura sighed loudly, "You're a walking cliche."

"Well, here goes."

Dan readied himself to fight.

"I've changed my mind about you. So, I'm not letting you go until I tell you my answer." She cut the gargoyle, and the two fell fast. They stick their landings. Laura starts swinging her blade, attacking Dan with the blunt end.

She swings vertically, then horizontally, then diagonally upwards, then down to his legs. Dan saw her moves coming. He looked like he wasn't even trying to do it. His body was like a puppet being controlled. Laura turned frustrated, she charged up mana to her blade. Then unleashed a "Crescent Slash". She cut through the wall of the building they were on. Dan dodged it by bending his entire body backward. Like playing limbo. Dan slowly erected back up. "That could actually hurt me, huh?"

"I always get this weird feeling from you, Dan. Like there's something else."

"Heheh... Do you now?"

"Right now, you don't even seem to be yourself."

"How so?"

"Your dodges are too smooth. You're sterner than that, and you usually block," Laura notices a difference in Dan's fighting style. "Who are you?"

"Jeez... How'd you know?" A projection of Jon's soul appeared. Having his arms over Dan's shoulder and half his apparated body floating.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Jonathan Bayer."

"His... Predecessor?"

"Exactly right."


"Some deal two people made with... Something. It then only allowed one Dark sorcerer to exist at a time. It's a selfish deal. Now, their souls are forever unrested."

"So... Why are YOU here?"

"I'm not telling you."

The wall behind Dan suddenly exploded. Launching Dan to the sky. Then an ice wall was erected in his trajectory. Dan stopped before he hit the wall. He flew to the top of the wall and punched it with his bare hands. The ice wall shattered to pieces.

"Now everyone's here, great," Jon said sarcastically.

Then something wrapped around Dan's right ankle. "Rope of distortion?" It was Sam holding the other end. The rope was glowing bright green. Jon couldn't move Dan's leg, because if he did, it would be distorted and break off if he doesn't time it right. He let Sam pull him to the ground. Dan lands.

"Why are you trying to leave? It's really stupid," Sam yelled.

"How is it stupid? I don't want anyone to die. Is that so bad?" Jon yelled back.

"You ain't beating Shujin. Not alone."

"He doesn't have to. I will," Dan dashes in to punch Sam's face. A white flash blocked his punch. Then a trail of white light circled around and threw a punch to Dan's face. Dan was thrown back, he fell over to the ground. Then a giant orange flaming rectangle appeared in front of him. It had the letter K in the middle and two hearts in the upper left corner and bottom right corner. It was the King of Hearts card. "Shit," Jon slurred. The card then exploded in his face. Throwing him further back.

Volta dashed in and lifted him off the ground. "I need you to stay, for Sam."

"That's not happening."

Volta then grabs Dan's jacket and knocks his legs into each other and trips down to the ground. She raised her fist high up. "Then I'll make you."

She sends her fist down with a highly condensed mana. The sound barrier broke, the ground broke apart, and the earth shook.

"So... You're the strongest of them..." Dan took her punch without blocking it. Dan catches her wrist and rose up. Dan raised his fist to punch her in the face. Heath burst through a building and caught Dan's fist.

"You're not yourself are you, Dan?" Heath said as he held Dan's fist in midair.

"It's the best for him."

"You don't get to decide that!" Heath kicked up the gear for his "Feet Thruster", mathematically, he should be going at least Mach 14. Dan got pushed by Heath all the way.

"Collapsing Gravity," Jon casted. The two slam into the ground. The gravitational pull was increased up to fifteen Gs. Dan wasn't affected by it because he was the one that casted it.

"It's for the best that I do this alone," Jon said.


Jon didn't answer.

Heath drew a card, "True Manifestation: Oblivion Incineration", then burned the gravitational force. He panted on one knee. He needed a few seconds to recover from being crushed by something fifteen times his own weight.

"Y-You care about him, don't you?" Heath stumbled on his own breath.

"So what?"

"I want to be the one to kill Shujin. No one else."

"Don't bother. I'll do it."

"No, you don't get it. I have to make him pay!"

"For what?" Dan glanced back.

"He killed my family, Dan. My mom, dad, little sister, and older brother. For years I've just been trying to kill him alone. Now, I know I can't do it. Not on my own. Maybe YOU can, but you aren't Dan."

"Shut up will you?" Jon took full possession and turned around. He casts a spell that would undoubtedly kill them all. "Collapsing Gravity", a black hole variation to it. A small ball was casted above his right fist, he was ready to send it flying at Heath. Jon raised his fist, halfway in throwing motion, and his fist was caught. And his black hole popped like a grape.

"I can't let you kill Kai's students," Shino appeared in front of him. Shino strikes his palm to Jon's abdomen and sent him flying to the opposite side, he crashed into a building and was knocked out.

Nate was watching from the top of the building Jon crashed into. He created a slide to slide down the building and joined the others. Everyone gathered around Dan that was knocked out.

Shino was the first to get closest to Dan, trying to pick him up. He crouched down and held Dan up.

"Move," a voice commanded.

Something overwrote Shino's body and he immediately slid back to where he was standing earlier.

Something then was erected in front of all of them. A dark shadow-like humanoid figure. It looked like a human body with no features, just a void of a person. It had white eye sockets that had a black dot as its pupils. It observed its surroundings and suddenly decided to grow clothes out of its skin. A parka coat, an Eskimo winter coat, matching pants, then a black hard mask with a giant white smile on it.

"Jonathan Bayer...?" Shino recognized. He only ever seen him in pictures, he never saw him in person. All his life, he only ever knew three other people that could be Supreme-Rank sorcerers, Cathy Mcarthy, Michael Varr, and Jonathan Bayer.

Jonathan was arguably the strongest sorcerer in history. His unusual ability to perceive souls and possess them made him unlike any other. According to Cathy, he has schizophrenia, because he talked to himself out loud all the time. But now, having Jon stand in front of him, it was something else completely.

"There are dozens of you..."

Shino knew that the bigger threat wasn't Shujin but Jon. He casts "True Manifestation: Time Freeze." It's a spell that's as literal as the name, however, he only has a few minutes max within that frozen time interval, because he himself would freeze. That was something he tried to compensate for with "...Abyss Flames" but it only ever burned him slowly.

Everything froze in place. Jon was still emitting his bone-chilling mana wavelength. That caught Shino off guard. "How can you move?"

For a sorcerer on the level of Shino, eyes become a secondary sense for perception. It was more to use mana sensory to detect and predict a sorcerer's movement. He got too used to that. Jon placed a dummy that resembled him in front of Shino and moved behind him.

Jon punches with his knuckle out, landing a devastating blow that cracked Shino's spine, luckily, not enough to make him paralyzed.

"Drain," Jon ordered. Suddenly, Shino doesn't have any strength to even clench his fist. He just flopped to the ground and passed out. He started freezing faster. Right before he was fully frozen, he dispelled his "...Time Freeze".

To everyone else, Shino was suddenly on the ground, just knocked out and frozen.