Different Light

The members of Cemetery Wind have received orders. In front of them, the target has also been acquired.

They stalked with minimal movement. Coupled with their ability to become invisible, they have become extremely deadly killing machines.

Aerchon and his army of Elves continued to sweep the Eternal Garden area.

They almost touched the members of Cemetery Wind who were hiding several times. But the Cemetery Wind members weren't amateurs who would be caught out because of that. They could dodge the Elves easily.

"Now!" The leader of Cemetery Wind finally gave the signal.

Invisible figures jumped from the shadows and shot them with their rifles. Because it was silenced, the only sound that came out of the rifle was a hissing sound that brought death.

The Elves' army fell from their Unicorns. The unicorn neighed in surprise and fright. They neighed frantically and moved aimlessly because their master is gone.