Eternal Garden Slaughter

All the members from Cemetery Wind saw what was happening. But they were not ready for this situation. Even though they were trained, the special forces had never faced a situation where they had to fight Magic.

Cemetery Wind had never participated in the war against the Elves. They work elsewhere to do the dirty work of the government. Now they have to face something shocking like this.

The information they get from LTC. Ibis and LTC. Coil is that they can kill the Elves with a few shots. They got this information they got from the battle with the Elves.

But who would have thought that the information turned out to be so wrong? The elves' magic shields didn't weaken when they were in their realm.

The Elves began to kill the intruders with the same ferocity as they faced their eternal enemies. They threw Magic missiles and were able to move as fast as lightning towards them. The Elves could kill Cemetery Wind members before they even realized what happened.