A Massage

"I Leveled up twice," Erend muttered with a sigh of relief.

Erend decided not to do anything just yet with whatever Points he had now. He waited for the right time to use it.

Now that the Daily Quest was over, Erend opened the Portal back to his world.

The portal appeared shortly after and Erend stepped inside. When he returned to his room Billy and Lt. Boartusk is still there. They were busy looking at Anna's cell phone.

"What did you get?" Erend asked.

"A lot of things," Billy said. "You know that LTC. Ibis and LTC. Coil was planning to take the key from the start. I mean, since they knew about the key's whereabouts."

"They immediately thought of using us as soon as they heard that we came with a message from the Elf," Lt.Boartusk added.

Erend wasn't surprised by that anymore.

"Is there any information about how they were able to open the Portal? It's not something that is natural for humans, is it?" Erend asked.