
Night came to the Elf palace. Everyone seems to be busy with their own activities.

Aerchon and some of his soldiers left the palace to go somewhere. Aerchon didn't consider the recent attacks to be a threat as he only brought a few soldiers on his journey.

Aurdis on the other hand, headed straight to the dungeon to meet Anna. As soon as she heard of a new prisoner let alone a woman, Aurdis rushed to meet her.

Billy and Lt.Boartusk accompanied her downstairs to meet Anna. The two of them came along to make sure that Anna didn't say things she shouldn't say.

"Of course, you can come," Aurdis said with her usual warm smile. Aurdis of course did not reject their company.

She allowed the two humans to accompany her because she felt they did have good intentions.

Billy and Lt.Boartusk exchanged meaningful glances and then began to follow Aurdis down.