
Saeldir wiped the spit out of his mouth. His breath was still fast and ragged. Saeldir sat on the cold palace floor. He didn't realize that his entire body was now covered in a cold sweat.

What he saw inside Erend's body was something extremely terrifying. Whatever power Erend possessed was not from the world he was able to see.

Saeldir saw there was a Dragon. Something he knew was already owned by Erend. That Dragon is a fire Dragon. But his strength is not at its full potential. As if it was a... baby Dragon.

But the baby Dragon wouldn't be able to have that much power. What Erend had was not an ordinary Dragon but a power that took the Dragon's power and infused it into Erend's body.

What was more terrifying than the Dragon's power was another power behind it. Something big and great that doesn't seem to have any limits.

Saeldir seemed to have just looked into an endless abyss that could swallow him to nothingness.