
Elis froze in place. She immediately regretted her stupid decision to open the Portal without thinking anything beforehand.

Elis didn't think that there will be someone in the place where she opened the Portal.

Elis' desire to see the garden in the description in the book made her careless. Even though she heard the orders from LTC.Ibis himself.

LTC. Ibis told her not to open the Portal unless instructed to do so. But Elis had already opened it now and she saw not one, but two people standing staring at her from behind the Portal.

A man and a woman. But as soon as she began to control herself, Elis realized that she had seen the man before.

"E-Erend Drake?" Elis muttered while squinting to clear her view.

Elis saw Erend Drake running towards her. Elis widened her eyes and then said the sentence to close the Portal.

Erend Drake's hand stretched out towards her. But the Portal was already closed.