Taking Responsibilities

"(Everything has gone according to plan,)" An Ogre was talking to someone covered by a black robe.

But the black robe didn't just cover their body. The figure seemed to be a living and animate robe. There wasn't any feature to indicate that within the robe there was another creature wearing it. No curves, no visible skin, and no recognizable voice.

"(Black Robe,)" the ogre said. "(How did you do that? I know how strong the Defense of this Elf palace is.)"

The figure he called Black Robe didn't turn but they give an answer, "(You don't need to know about that.)"

The ogre stared at the Black Robe from behind with a look filled with curiosity. But in the end, he gave up because he couldn't possibly know the truth behind the black robe he was wearing.

The two of them stared from a distance at the Palace which was about to collapse.

The shattered magic shield made the elves frenzied. Especially without their leader.