The Fire Dragon

The red light appeared and spread heat waves in all directions. Of course, it shocked everyone around the area.

The Elves and Ogres turned away from their fight and turned towards the source of the light and the hot waves. A moment later a large creature appeared from behind the light.

What was seen at first was a pair of huge wings that were probably three meters long each. Then the light began to disappear. So the creature behind it can be seen.

A reptilian-like creature with a yellowish-red body like a newly lit fire appeared.

Dragon-Erend appears on the battlefield. The Ogres had heard that once there was a Dragon that appeared when they attacked the Elves in their small castle located in the Forrest of The Rising Sun.

The news was only carried by a few Ogres who escaped and survived the raid at that time. Because only a few survived and can tell the story, only a few believed in it.