Each Other Reinforcement

Saeldir took another deep breath. Then he closed the thick book he had been reading from a long time.

Once again Saeldir turned his head towards the white sphere. Now the white sphere still looks solid and intact on top of the stone. But no one knows when the same disaster will happen again because the traitor inside the palace is still not caught.

So Saeldir got up and left the room. He and Aurdis were looking for something that might strengthen the defensive Magic protecting the surrounding sphere. But he thought it would be better to find the traitor in the palace first.

But Saeldir wasn't too sure that he would find the traitor. Whoever they are, they definitely are not stupid Elf if they can enter the palace, destroying the Magic shield core, and then go into perfect hiding.

There was a possibility that the traitor had already left this palace. Saeldir didn't know how. But the possibility remains.