Another Party

Erend was shocked to see the appearance of the new monster. He had three heads that looked like three serpents with sharp jagged teeth. The three heads bobbed with terrifying and disturbing movements.

Erend didn't know if they were in one consciousness or if each head had its consciousness. But that doesn't matter now.

What was important was that the three heads each had their eyes fixed on the Dragon-Erend with one desire. They only had one goal, to kill him.

Despite that, Dragon-Slime didn't seem bothered at all. He lunged at the three-headed monster and caught two of its three heads. Then bang the two heads together.

Dragon-Erend formed an expression that was closest to a grinning expression upon seeing what Dragon-Slime was doing.

When that grinning expression appeared on a Dragon's face, it resulted in a sinister expression that was terrifying because he had rows of sharp teeth appeared.

'That's the spirit, Slime!'