
The Dark Mage was now in a state of panic. He didn't know who had shot the arrows at him.

The pain began to radiate throughout his body from that back. It's getting more and more intolerable.

But he still had to concentrate on his current target which was the Dragon. He couldn't allow his concentration to waver which would let what he had gambled on go to waste.

By now the black-robed being had almost reached Dragon-Erend. His hands that which pale bones stretched out towards Dragon-Erend in a slow motion that added to his impression of horror.

Dragon-Erend kept moving his whole body trying to rebel. But the chains tightly bound his body.

The chains seemed to have a consciousness of their own. And they couldn't possibly let the Dragon-Erend escape their snare.

Dragon-Erend still doesn't realize that a new problem has come to the Dark Mage. Finally, the Dark Mage saw the true figure that had shot arrows at him.