Plan To Visit

She opened the door as soon as she had knocked on it three times.

Inside the room was already waiting a man with a stern face. The man sat in his chair smoking a cigar.

His thick mustache was like a dark shadow that fell on the top of his lips.

The man's face had a hard look like someone used to a dangerous life. His eyes were the same as Major Lennard's eyes.

As soon as the man saw Erend and Billy's arrival, he smiled. But Erend and Billy felt that his smile didn't look like a normal smile at all.

Rather it looks like a smile given by a predator when it sees its prey.

Erend immediately realized that the man was the one who would deliver a promise, as well as a threat to both of them.

"I will excuse myself, sir." Major Lennard left the room.

Looks like her job is done here. At least for now.

"Sgt. Drake, Sgt. Brook." The general motioned for the two of them to take a seat.