Starting the Journey

It was not yet bright when Aurdis woke up from her sleep. The sleep that Aurdis got last night couldn't be said to be long. In fact, it wasn't even half the time she was used to sleeping. But she still had to wake up.

"You want to go?" Elis, a human who chose to be here rather than come home with her human friends.

Elis woke up hearing Aurdis's rustle.

Aurdis flashed a regretful smile at Elis. But it couldn't be helped, she had to prepare up some things so the noise was inevitable.

Elis shook her head with a languid smile. Her smile looked lethargic because she had just woken up.

"It's okay," Elis said. "I knew you had to do something important."

At those words, Aurdis smiled faintly. Yes, she did have to do something important. The fate of her Elf kingdom depended on it. Because her big brother can't be too reliable in this situation.

Aurdis sometimes feels angry and frustrated at her own race. A race that is famous for their Magic power all over the world.