
Elves are able to manipulate and create magical energy from nature.

Lightning, fire, water, earth, and wind. The five elements of nature are the most basic things that make up all things in the universe.

And the Elves have the ability to not only manipulate but also create the energy.

Of course, even the Dark Elves could do it because they were descendants of the Elves.

Forest Elves can also manipulate and create natural energy. But they prefer to use bows, arrows, and other weapons.

What Aurdis did earlier was, she created orbs with water-based energy.

But Aurdis did a little trick there by adding lightning energy around the orbs. This made the Dark Elves immediately fooled.

Moreover, the orbs were silver in color, so associating them with lightning energy seemed more reasonable.

With the battle going fast, they didn't have time to think about things in too much detail.

Thus, the deception directly affects them.

'That damn princess!'