He Comes

'I have to get out of here quickly!'

That was the first thing that crossed Aurdis' mind.

Seeing herself now being caught between the bolts of lightning and the flames, and the cumulation of daggers, Aurdis couldn't stop thinking that this was her own fault.

She allowed herself to be surrounded by the enemy.

With the number lost, Aurdis just stood still without trying to move to keep her distance from her enemy.

Experience on the battlefield is very important. Especially in a battle where she had to fight multiple enemies.

But Aurdis had no experience of that at all. And that is her biggest loss.

"(She's already overwhelmed. Now is the time!)" the male Dark Elf, one of the Dark Elves who had to lose his hand because of Aurdis, spoke through gritted teeth.

His voice came out with a burning vengeance. Seeing the condition of Aurdis being suppressed from various directions, he couldn't wait to cut the Elf princess's body as quickly as possible.