Struggle in vain

Everyone present at this unexpected event froze at what they saw before their eyes.

The figure of an enormous Dragon with flaming shoulders was violently beating two creatures.

Dragon-Erend slammed his claws at Laston and Baldeem who could only lie on the white paving that had been destroyed.





The sound when the Dragon's punch landed on Laston and Baldeem was terrifying.

Coupled with the ongoing earthquake-like vibrations, it became a sight that made them all unable to take their eyes off it.

Realizing that it was their King that was under the Dragon's fist, the Daemons of Calamity rushed to attack. So did the Ogres who had come here with them.

The Ogres and Daemons hadn't teamed up before. They couldn't even be considered friendly to each other.

They were just two enemies of Elf kind who were foreign to each other.