Running Away

A reddish-yellow flame burst out from the Dragon-Erend's mouth.

The flames were so huge that they gave a reddish glow to the palace area below.

It was as if the sun that had been obscured by the Chaos Magic clouds was rising again.

Forest Elves, Ogres, and Daemons stared with a mixture of awe and horror.

The flames coming from the mouth of a Dragon showed how mighty he was. And those who just stand below seem helpless in the face of the Dragon.

The Ogres, palace Elves, and Forest Elves trembled. While the Daemons feel frozen because they know who is trapped in the flames.

"(W-We have to save our King...") One of the Daemons spoke.

Yet his eyes filled with horror and he couldn't move his body at the sight of the Dragon who was still blowing fire.

Even though his friends were around him and heard what he said, they couldn't reply.

How could they save their King from something like that?

They would only increase the number of fallen warriors in their army.