Three Mysterious Corpses

Erend and Aurdis immediately rushed to the source of the shout.

The squad leaders who were around them also moved behind them.

Erend and Aurdis followed the shout through an old stone corridor overgrown with vines and moss.

Further back, the corridor becomes more humid and congested.

There are no ventilation holes for sunlight or air to enter, so everything becomes even more suffocating.

Aurdis' orb of light floated in front of them to illuminate the path. But Erend decided that they still had to walk slowly and not rush.

Although the urgency of this situation was indeed quite high.

Erend was still activating [Dragon Eyes] to detect any traps or other residual Magic that might be lingering around this corridor.

After walking for a while, suddenly the tight air vanished, replaced by a cool night breeze.

The wall not far in front of them had collapsed leaving a hole that opened onto a large courtyard.