Letting it Be

Once the Forest Elves had returned to their home, Aurdis slumped to the floor and leaned back on the wall in the room.

The three corpses of the three different races were still lying stiffly on their respective beds.

Aurdis stared blankly ahead. Her eyes didn't blink and she wasn't looking at anything in particular.

Aurdis only allowed silence to fill this room and her heart.

A long sigh escaped Aurdis's mouth. Then, her tears followed slowly. Flowing down her pale cheeks.

Erend came to her. Without saying anything, Erend immediately took Aurdis in his arms.

Aurdis' face felt warmth on Erend's chest. Subconsciously, and just following her emotions, Aurdis wrapped her arms around Erend's body.

It was then that her profuse cry came out.

Aurdis' voice was a scream full of agony. Her tears flowed profusely until they dripped onto the cold floor of the room.

Her body shook. Aurdis burst into tears, shedding all her sorrows in Erend's arms.