Treatment Room

As soon as they arrived back at the military base, Erend and the two soldiers who survived the incident went straight to the treatment room.

Liam and James appear to have injuries that will require them to stay for a few days.

Even though James looks fine, he has fractured ribs.

Meanwhile, Liam, who suffered a cut on his thigh, also had a minor injury to his head.

But what they experienced was clearly better than what the soldiers who died with their bodies torn apart on the ship experienced.

"This is strange," said the female doctor who was examining Erend.

"I found no major injuries on your body other than a few bruises."

"Isn't that good?" Erend said.

"Hmm..." The female doctor seemed to think.

It was as if she wasn't sure whether it was a good thing for someone to return unharmed from such an incident.

Even though she is a doctor. Is she not happy to see her patient is fine?