Little Secret

Elis raised her hands forward. Then she started concentrating to focus her mind.

Not long after, a pink light began to appear on Elis's hands.

The light was very thin, almost transparent. Only because she kept the room dark she could see the light.

"I did it."

Elis smiled proudly looking at her hands that were emitting light.

Then, not being satisfied with just that, Elis pointed her hand towards a chair in front of the mirror.

Elis concentrated her thoughts. She needs more effort to do what she now wants to do.

But in the end, Elis managed to do that. The pink light slowly began to envelop the chair.

Then Elis concentrated her mind and her will again. She intended to lift the chair with all her might.

A few moments passed. Elis was finally able to see the good progress.

The chair began to rise from the floor and slowly moved higher and higher.