Clash of Fire

Erend walked towards them with slow steps. The soles of his feet made a sound every time they stepped on concrete.

Up there, the sound of thunder was loud. Indicates that soon, the rain will come to accompany their fight.

The wind was also blowing strong enough to shake the trees around. Dropped leaves and branches burned by Steve's fire to the ground.

A rustling sound came from the trees. Adding the background.

"Imitation?" Steve stared at Erend with eyes burning with rage.

Steve was initially shocked to see Erend walking after being hit by his attack as if nothing had happened. Even though Erend actually felt pain in his chest.

However, when he heard Erend's voice saying that he was just an imitation, his emotions rose and pushed his shock away.

The flames all over Steve's body grew. His muscles also swelled almost three times as much as they bulged against his skin.

It caused Steve's body to double in size.