Peeled off

Erend came splitting a wave of fire before his eyes. Steve's eyes widened at the scene. What he saw left him unable to react to what happened next.

Erend shot towards him. His speed was much increased than before.

All of that had not had time to register in Steve's head before Erend arrived before his eyes.


A punch landed on Steve's face and sent him flying to the other side of the court. Steve crashes into the wall of buildings and goes through it.

Steve continued to go into three buildings before he finally stopped in the middle of a room.

In the room, several people seemed surprised to see Steve's unusual arrival. Namely by breaking down walls and with bodies covered in fire.

Everyone immediately panicked. The men and women who were there screamed and ran aimlessly.

The scene before them gave a clear indication that a more dangerous situation than they had thought was unfolding.