Monkey Army

Erend received a level-up notification after repeating the previous stage several times. Now, he would venture into Dungeon Level 2 since he had successfully defeated the bat-shaped Dungeon Boss.

Erend stepped through the portal, which marked the transition to the second floor. What he saw beyond the portal was vastly different from what he had experienced before.

On Dungeon Level 1, everything consisted of dark corridors or dimly lit black-walled rooms. Now, what lay before him was the sight of an expansive, wild forest. Erend felt as though he had entered an entirely different world.

He glanced back and noticed that the portal had disappeared after his passage. What stood behind him was an enormous tree. Its trunk had a diameter of approximately five meters, and Erend couldn't see the top of the tree when he looked up.

Erend decided to start walking cautiously, his eyes scanning the surroundings. In this place, enemies could emerge from anywhere and at any time.