To The Sylvan Haven

They finally reached that conclusion. Although it was an incredibly difficult decision, both of them knew there was nothing more they could do except to inform their father.

"(Get ready. We're leaving soon,)" Aerchon said.

Aurdis sighed, feeling helpless. Then, realizing she had to do what she had to do, Aurdis nodded and walked away from her brother.

They were finally prepared. Aerchon had also given orders to his soldiers to get ready because they were going on a journey.

The day had turned into the evening when they all lined up in front of the Elf Palace. Saeldir stood behind, observing Aurdis and Aerchon's departure. For this matter, there was nothing he could do to help; they had to handle it on their own. Besides, he had his own work to do.

The air was growing colder as the sun began to set, marking the arrival of winter. Aurdis pulled her coat closer to her body.