
It turns out that these Dungeon Bosses have been hanging around with each other.

"So, what do you know?" Erend asked curiously.

The gorilla shrugged. "A lot actually. We both talk quite often."

"Where are you talking? Is there some kind of cozy place in Dungeon World to hang out together?"

The gorilla let out a wide grin as if what Erend said made him happy.

"Oh yeah of course. It's an amazing place. A place you won't be able to enter, unfortunately."

The gorilla's words made Erend frown.

The gorilla continued. "We can also do everything without being limited by time like in the real world. Nothing in this world feels like it has passed."

"So, you just live in eternal pleasure?"

However, after Erend said that, the gorilla's expression became gloomy. "If only this place was truly an eternal pleasure. Unfortunately, the reality is not like that."